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You're Living Life Asleep (How To Awaken Yourself In The 21st Century)

spirituality from the lense of a teenager

“People fail to see that all is well because they’re asleep and they’re having a nightmare.”

Anthony De Mello

What if I told you that everything you know, see, and think isn’t as right as you always thought?

What if I told you that everything you know, see, and think is only a part of the truth, and you’re missing out on a bigger picture?

What if I told you that there’s more to life than what it showed you so far?

Well…there is. And although I can’t tell you what is it, I can tell you how to get closer to it.

Because in today’s letter, we’re gonna talk about down how to break out of The Bubble you’ve been living in, awaken yourself out of your average state & kickstart the journey towards pursuing your higher self.

You aren’t experiencing real life.

You are experiencing your perception of it.

But what if the way you perceive the world isn’t the only one there is?

Well, it almost surely isn’t.

Your thoughts are the lenses that shape the way you view the world, and those thoughts were dictated by the society, environment & people you surround yourself with.

Since the dawn of age, we were forced to respect what people believe is “true” and not care about whether these beliefs serve us or not.

We were forced to accept a reality, the one they’ve created for us, and not seek the reality, the one that might represent the universal truth.

We were forced to project whatever is in front of us, although we never see what is it.


Because we only see the way our mind edited it, but we never see the reality itself.

We’re all living in the Bubble

Bubble \buh·bl\ is formed by the limiting beliefs that have been programmed into us by society, which dictates the way we think, speak & act. It’s the idea of life & everything in it in our heads.

Living in the Bubble is comfortable, isn’t it?

But the question is:

Is it right?

Isn’t there more than just one closed-minded perspective of viewing things?

Isn’t there more to life that could be explored if we’d break out?

Most people never see beyond the surface of their perceptions.

They look at whatever they see and accept it.

They project onto it without even asking why they are viewing things this way & why their way of viewing things couldn’t be any different.

For example, you get a bad grade, and immediately think “oh no, a problem!”

But why is that a problem?

Isn’t the fact you got a bad grade giving you feedback to improve?

Isn’t it giving you a chance to learn something new?

And does the bad grade matter after all since what you’ve learned isn’t really applicable in the physical world?

And I could go on and on with further examples.

The thing is:

People fail to see how much they’re unconscious, how much they're guided by influences they don’t understand.

And that’s where spirituality comes into play:

It’s about discovering all the hidden influences that guide our life.

As Curl Jung says:

“Until you make unconscious conscious, it will guide you through life, and you’ll call it fate.”

And look:

I know I might seem too young to talk about this. But I just can’t help myself from being curious about what’s on the other side. And what’s more: I can’t help myself from sharing my discoveries with others.

But don’t you wanna know it too?

Don’t you wanna explore that hidden fate?

Don’t you wanna look at what’s impacting your future, and instead of going with the waves create your own?

If the way you view life is limited to one perspective, your way of living life will be too.

You need to become conscious.

You need to find a tool to open your mind.

You need to expand your perspective enough to realize how false some of your perceptions are.

And there isn’t a better tool to do it than self-awareness.

And although there are many practices for self-awareness like meditation, journaling, or therapy…

There isn’t any self-awareness practice that you’ll get paid to do except…

Yeah, you guessed that right:


And today we’ll look at how to use writing to awaken yourself, break out of the Bubble, and start opening your mind to live up to your full potential.

Are you ready to explore the other side?

Let’s go then:

5 Steps To Awakening Yourself In The 21st Century

1) Big Picture Thinking

The difficulty of the problem you face is inversely proportional to how much you zoom out to look at it.”

The Inner Voice of a Clear Thinker

Fish doesn’t know it’s in the water.

People who are asleep don’t know they are asleep.

You need to wake up to realize that you’ve been asleep. You need an alarm clock.

If sleep is unconsciousness, then the opposite of sleep is consciousness (or awareness).

And the best way to become conscious is too zoom out & start opening your mind more.

There are the big 3 practices for that:

  1. Giving your mind space and time to wander (walking, doing housework, showering)

  2. Consuming content that puts you into the big-picture thinking mode (self-development, philosophy, spirituality)

  3. Spending time with people who draw you to the right space of mind (older people, successful people, friends with the same vision as yours).

Once you start practicing these on daily basis, you’ll notice how false your perspective is at times & how much is there left to see.

Now let’s move on to the next step:

2) Self-Awareness

"The human brain is naturally drawn to negativity because it's a way of protecting ourselves. By paying attention to potential problems, we can avoid danger and keep ourselves safe."

Will Storr

Once you realize you’ve been asleep you’ll start recalling all of those nightmares, and start realizing that they were only nightmares.

In other words, you start noticing the problems you’ve been having that you didn’t know you were having.

And that’s exactly what we need.

That’s self-awareness.


Problems form the very base of every high-quality content piece on social media.

Problems make people pay attention.

Problems attract attention.

Solutions scale attention.

Always take note of the problems you’re noticing on a daily basis as you’re becoming more and more self-aware.

Are you still with me?

Great. Onward.

3)Dive Deeper

“Curiosity is the engine of achievement”.

Ken Robinson

You can’t keep a shallow perception of the problem.

Shallowness is the thing we’re fighting against.

You need to approach everything you see as a mad scientist.

Go deeper, question everything & never be satisfied with the answers.

Constantly ask yourself “why?”

“Why do things have to be this way?”

“Why they can’t be any other way?”

“Why am I (or others) holding onto that belief?”

Every single time you find a problem or an idea that you find relevant in your life, don’t stop.

Sit down, and answer the following questions:

  • What’s the big problem & how is it impacting us?

  • What’s the big benefit of solving that problem?

  • How do people talk themselves out of solving it?

  • What are the different perspectives you can use while solving the problem?

  • What is YOUR unique perspective?

The more you’ll keep diving & expanding into different ideas, the more you’ll start forming connections between them (which we’ll talk about in the next step).

But I want you to keep in mind one thing:

Writing is hard.

You’ll feel a lot of resistance in diving deeper & articulating your thoughts in a way that makes sense.

But as Steven Pressfield says:

The resistance you feel is like a compass. It’s pointing you in the right direction. If you feel resistance, there’s something good on the other side.

Writing solidifies your learning and thinking more than anything else.

That’s why the greatest thinkers are the greatest writers.

“The pain you feel while writing is the pain of clarifying your thoughts.”

David Perell

4) Assemble & Connect

Everything is related to everything.

And that’s the most exciting part about expanding your worldview:

You’ll start seeing connections in everything.

The more you’ll know, the more you’ll see.

The more you’ll see, the more you’ll want to know.

It’s a never-ending upward spiral.

The more you’ll know, the more you’ll be aware of how small your perceptions are in comparison to the big picture there is.

The closer you’ll get to reality.

The closer you’ll get to your highest self.

But we’re not done yet:

5) Share Your Discoveries

As I’ve mentioned in the beginning:

If you learn how to write properly, you’ll not only attract the attention of others.

You’ll also be able to make a living while pursuing the path that excites you the most.

Designing your dream life, awakening yourself & getting closer to your potential while doing the same for others, step by step.

That’s what I mean when I say that content creation should be an extension of yourself.


I get the fact that it is hard to wrap your head around all of this.

Everything we’ve talked about today wasn’t as practical - but the practicality and the advice aren’t as important as the main message it carries:

If you want to live a life of quality, growth & happiness, you can’t cope with everything that’s right in front of you.

You always need to reach for the higher floors, and always seek more than society tells you there is. Because there is more.

Thanks for reading.

Till next Sunday,

— Claudia “Pursuing Her Higher Self” Stellner

P.S. Don’t forget to catch some sunlight today ;)

P.S.: Liked this letter & want to dive deeper into the topic?

Here are the previous editions related to this one:

Claudia’s Digest

📖Awareness by Anthony De Mello (this whole letter was inspired by this book btw)