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  • Working for Ali Abdaal, Endless Permission & Why Skills Don't Matter

Working for Ali Abdaal, Endless Permission & Why Skills Don't Matter

šŸ“‹ Claudia's Digest #001

Happy Sunday to 1,780 creators reading The Sticky Writing Chronicle Claudiaā€™s Digest.

Yup, thatā€™s right.

Chances are some of you already saw this coming after I mentioned Iā€™m plan to rebrand this newsletter in my last post.

And actuallyā€¦

Itā€™s not just this newsletter.

The thoughts on my entire business journey has been going through massive changes over the past month.

With that being said, I have 3 important announcements for you:

Announcement #1:

From now on, this newsletter & my Twitter account will solely be more of a public journal.

No more talking about solopreneurship, audience-building, or writing.

I donā€™t want it to turn into a shitpost account though.

Instead, I wanted to be more of ā€˜showā€™ and less of ā€˜tell.ā€™


Iā€™m going to focus on building my busniess in private, and transparently document every single lesson (on both life and business) in the public.

Anyway, over the past 1 year online, Iā€™ve shared thousands of pieces of advice on these topics.

So if youā€™re interested in getting the advice in the most actionable way possibleā€¦

You better do not miss announcement #2:

Announcement #2:

My friend Kamal from UniCult has been able to turn every single nugget Iā€™ve ever posted online into an online course STUFFED with value.

Heck - Iā€™d be even confident to charge hundreds of bucks for it (if not thousands while selling it as a cohort).

But since Iā€™ve already explicitly mentioned that I donā€™t want to talk about these topics anymoreā€¦

I couldnā€™t live with myself if Iā€™d wanted your money for it.

So Iā€™m giving it away for free.

Announcement #3

This newsletter isnā€™t going to be weekly deep dive-style newsletter anymore.

Instead, itā€™s take on the 1-3-1 format:

Each week, Iā€™m going to share

  • 1 win from me

  • 3 ideas Iā€™ve discovered (on life and business)

  • 1 favorite quote

Short and sweet.

No fluff.

If you donā€™t want to receive emails from me anymore, no pressure.

The unsubscribe button is always down below.

But if this sound coolā€¦

Letā€™s take a dive.

This week, I decided to apply for a job as a ghostwriter in Ali Abdaalā€™s team.

And although Iā€™m not expecting to land the job (considering the fact that Iā€™m only 14 and the competitonā€™s too big to grab their attention)ā€¦

When I saw that Ali is looking for a content writer for his socials I knew I needed to grab this opportunity by the throat.

It's more of a bold move rather than a winā€¦

But hey.

If you donā€™t ask, you donā€™t get.

1) Hard Work As Laziness

Earlier this week, I read a brilliant instagram carousel by Vizi Andrei.

And one simple idea in there made me rethink my entire approach to productivity & getting things done:

If youā€™ve working too hard, it means a lack of strategic thinking & time management skills.

In other wordsā€¦

Hard work is a form of laziness.

As Iā€™m getting older, I'm starting to realize that getting things done isnā€™t just about how well you can focus or how fast you can type.

Itā€™s also about

  • outsourcing

  • automating

  • creating templates

  • decision making

  • prioritization

  • organization


In conclusionā€¦

The point of productivity isnā€™t working hard.

Itā€™s about working smart on the stuff you have to do so you can then immerse yourself in the stuff you want to do.

2) On the Permission To Ask

ā€œWhen youā€™re young in the entrepreneur space, you have the license to reach out to anyone you look up to and ask them for advice.ā€

This is my favorite golden nugget Iā€™ve picked while listening to a podcast about Eric Zhu, who raised $21M as a 15-year-old interviewing investors from his high school bathroom.

The thing isā€¦

Most entrepreneurs see a sense of fulfillment in helping young people in the space, because most of them either

1) Started early and lacked support

2) Wish they started earlier

Age is an unfair advantage.

3) On Why Solopreneurship Is A Dumb Idea

From personal experience I know thereā€™s nothing more fulfilling than working on something youā€™re passionate about with people you vibe with.

I remember working on a creator course collab project with 3 other friends last year.

And even though the product never ended up seeing the light of the day, I still have better memories from the few hours we spent thinking, planning & outlining than from the hundreds of hours I dedicated to building my ā€˜solo creator businessā€™.

The fact that this game is positive-sum is what makes it worth playing.

So Iā€™m gonna give this a full closure with another banger quote from Zach:

ā€œFind people climbing mountains. Scale together.ā€

"You don't hire for skills, you hire for attitude. You can always teach skills."

Herb Kelleher (via Simon Sinek)

Things I Liked This Week

Andd thatā€™s it for this week!

If you have 30 seconds, please let me know what you think of this new format by replying to this email.

Anyway, see you next Sunday.

ā€“ Claudia ā€œDonā€™t Build Soloā€ Stellner