✍️ TWW #003 - Confidence, True Fans & Avatars

Happy Thursday to 642 fellow writers reading The Writer’s Way.

This is the shorter version, where each Thursday, I share:

  • 1 writing tip

  • 1 personal branding tip

  • 1 systems tip

Sounds like your thingy?

Let’s take a dive 👇

✍️ A Writing tip

Let’s see if this sounds familiar:

You are feeling down.

Maybe something bad happened. You said something you shouldn’t have, made a mistake, or you’re just in an overall bad mood.

You hit your trusty friend up and ask for an honest advice.

You sense a glimpse of how hope when you see they play all of your voice messages.

But then, they proceed to tell you…

“I’d love to help you so badly, but I just don’t know what to say.”

I can’t stress the amount of disappointment I feel whenever a close friend of minesays something like that

And that’s natural - when you’re in a damn bad situation, that’s the last thing you want to hear.

Saying WHATEVER, acting like it’s good advice, and presenting it in a confident way is what would help me the most at the moment, even if the advice wouldn’t be the best.

So the lesson for writers is:

Remove all doubt from your writing.

Stop saying phrases like:

  • I think

  • I feel like

  • In my opinion

This is the core of impactful writing.

To sound like you’re 100% convinced about what you’re saying.

It doesn’t have to be true. You just need to sound like it.

🤺 An audience-building tip

    I have 15K followers on Twitter.

    641 of them are on my email list.

    60+ bought my product.

    About 10 reply to my emails.

    And you know what?

    That’s how it’s supposed to be.

    It’s a filter, that helps you spot the people who:

    • are interested in your personal perspectives/philosophies

    • enjoy your personal brand

    • admire what have you achieved

    • are on the same wavelength

    these are the folks you should double down on INFINITELY.

    It’s ok to be surface-level & post content based on platitudes on social media.

    But the real fans are revealed through in-depth

    So if you find someone who:

    • reads your newsletter frequently

    • replies to your emails

    • buys your product & leaves a lot of kind words

    Congrats, you have a true fan.

    And these are the people you are doing it for. Nurture them as much as you can with whatever you can give.

    They are the ones who will provide you with the most leverage further down the line.

    🛠️ A systems tip

      This happens to me often:

      I want to tweet something, but my mind is too overwhelmed.

      I’m not in scarcity of ideas - it’s more of an abundance problem.

      Whenever I face overwhelm & pressure (because it’s 10 PM and I have to tweet the last damn tweet), I sit down and do 1 dead-simple exercise.

      I note down:

      • specific struggles

      • frustrations

      • emotions

      • fears

      I was facing when I started writing online 1 year ago.

      This list is my North Star.

      When I have that, coming up with tweets is effortless, because I have an outline I can go

      Now I’m just filling in the blanks.

      And you can do the same thing for any topic.

      All you need is to realize where were you a few months/years ago in whatever area are you interested in, and realize that this is your target audience.

      Because these are the people you understand the best.

      To wrap it up:

      • remove all doubt from your writing

      • spot your true fans & nurture them as f*ck

      • when you don’t know what to write about, create your ideal reader’s avatar

      And...that's it for today!

      Talk soon,

      — Claudia "Appreciate you, my true fan ;)" Stellner

      P.S.: Don't forget to catch some sunlight today ;)

      P.S.S.: Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

      1. Join my free community for accountability & friendly chat (170+ writers)

      2. Grab The Consistent Writer's Playbook to accelerate your progress as a beginner (60+ writers). You can use discount code “PLAYBOOK13” to grab it for $4.99.