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  • TWW #002: 4 Principles to Reprogram Your Mind (So You Can Join The Top 1%)

TWW #002: 4 Principles to Reprogram Your Mind (So You Can Join The Top 1%)

a powerful weapon I can give you

Let me introduce to you a funny game to play throughout the next week:

Take a shot anytime you’ll be scrolling through Twitter, and see:

  • Consistency is key!

  • Consistency beats talent!

  • (Or basically any statement saying that consistency is important in any kind of context)

My upfront recommendation:

Don’t drink alcohol, or you’ll pass out. Rather stick to water ;)

Now bear with me for a sec:

Twitter bros are right.

Consistency indeed is the key (c’mon, drink!).

But you are missing the bigger picture.

Let me explain:

The Champ Mentality

Average fighter completes half of a training session, because that’s all he can do.

Top-notch fighter completes a full training session because that’s what he has to do. .

The mentality is important.

You have to recognize the difference between doing your best vs. doing whatever it takes.

This scenario is common:

You get hyped up by all of these tweets, go out there, and tweet every single day.

Three tweets. For 1 month.




Best tweet?


So you do what average people do.

You quit.

You did your best, and it didn’t work. That’s a good justification, ain’t it?


Because there are also people who keep repeating the same process every single day for 6 months - and that’s when they start reaping their fruit.

They start gaining 50 followers/day.

They go viral.

Make great connections.

These people do what it takes to succeed.

If you want to reach the tip of the iceberg, you have to keep doing the thing for long enough to unlock the power of compounding.

Only a fraction of those who start eventually reach that point.

The following principles will help you become “the fraction”:

Think in decades. Act in days.

You have to estimate the time it will take to actually start seeing results. And for your own good - estimate it for way longer than you’d like to.

Do it right now:

Guess how many months it will take you to reach the breakthrough point?

Got your guess?


Now multiply it by 1.5. And…you’re done.

This is your estimated time until you start seeing results.

The importance of this exercise lies in setting low expectations, but raising your self esteem.

You still believe you can do it, while not expecting anything in any timeframe.

Alright - this is how you think in decades.

Now you gotta learn how to act in days.

The daily checkbox

It’s easy to stress about the future.

  • “Will I do it tomorrow?”

  • “Will the post do well?”

  • “What if it will take way longer?”

Calm down.

The only thing you can take advantage of in your life is the thing you’ll do know.


…think of your day in the life is a like a pixel with a certain pattern. And the pattern that’s repeated frequently then becomes - when you zoom out - the theme of your life.

If you can choose to

  • tweet

  • write a tjreqd

  • write that one DM

today, If you decide to check off the box today…

…when you zoom out, your success will be giant.

Isn’t that exciting?

Choose your own succes

There will be times when you’ll start feeling discouraged.

You see all of your mates making progress, but you seem falling behind.

And that is ok.

You are the one in charge of how you perceive your achievements.

It’s about the lense you put on.

You can have a generic Twitter bro with 50K followers looking up to even more generic Twitter bro with 100K, and bro #1 will feel like a failure..

But then there is a 250-follower small creator celebrating every little success, building momentum, sharing journey with others & feeling amazing.

Choose to celebrate the tiny moments:

Replies from your favorite creators.

Kind DMs.

Learning new frameworks.

Applying your learnings.

You won’t believe how much powerful these moments are once you become aware of them.

The journey is the reward

Have you ever realized that the day before Christmas day is way more exciting than the Christmas day itself?

Why is that?

Dopamine - the molecule that makes us excited - comes from anticipation of the reward. NOT the reward itself.

You will feel more excited when you go to sleep than when you’ll be unpacking your gifts the next day.

And here’s where soooo many people go wrong:

They will spend years chasing numbers & metrics, only to realize that the journey was the best part.

Don’t make the same mistake as them.

The journey is the reward.

It’s where you’ll experience the happiest moments.

Cherish it.

To wrap it up:

If you

  • think in decades

  • follow a simple process daily

  • celebrate the small successes & cherish the pursuit of your goals

Then succeeding as a writer will become the default option for you.

I gave you a powerful weapon - now it’s up to you whether you’ll use it, or let it go.

That’s it for today.

Talk soon,

Claudia “The Champ” Stellner

P.S.: Don’t forget to catch some sunlight today (fall walks are damn beatiful) ;)

P.S.S.: Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. Join my free community for accountability & friendly chat (150+ writers)

  2. Grab The Consistent Writer's Playbook to accelerate your progress as a beginner (60+ writers). You can use discount code “PLAYBOOK13” to grab it for $4.99.