✍️ TWW #001 - Copywork, Repetition & Your Mess

Happy Thursday to 624 fellow writer’s reading The Writer’s Way.

This is the shorter version, where each Thursday, I share:

  • 1 writing tip

  • 1 personal branding tip

  • 1 systems tip

Sounds like your thingy?

Let’s take a dive 👇

✍️ Writing Tip

You’ll hate me for this.

But you know what? Rather blame Gary Halbert:

The greatest copywriter of all time (google him).

“Seems like a cool guy. Why hate him?”, you say.

One word:


In other words: Handcopying pieces from your favorite writers/copywriters.


Sounds easy - but try to write fast with your hand for 30 mins straight, and you’ll wish the hand falls apart.

But - the practice is 100% valid.

“Why am I supposed to do this?”

I kept asking this question for a long time.

Look, mate: Learning about strategies is cool.

But the best teacher is real world experience.

When you handcopy your favorite writers, you get to see things people who just “read” don not.

You internalize their techniques.

Understand their thought process.

And these will then print off in your writing as well.

Btw - I’m right on Day 6/30 of copywork practice. Wanna join me?

Get access to my free community for some accountability ;)

👻 Personal Branding Tip

We only use 10% of our brain’s capacity.

How many times have you heard that bullshit?

Yet still - how many people do believe that?

Let me tell you something:

There is a reason so many people believe false ideas:

The reason is called repetition.

“The more is something repeated, the more people start believing it.”

How can you use this to your advantage?

If you want to be known for 1 thing, make sure that 80% of your posts are centered around that one thing.

Ex.: If you want to be known as a creator that provides value, you can’t post “10 websites that feel illegal to know” only.

But don’t forget:

What your audience says matters a lot too (because it gives more repetition).

That’s the catch:

You need to find 1 thing that you love talking about, and your audience loves to repeat.

How do you that?

Publish a lot, for a few months.

If I’d paraphrase Sahil Lavignia:

“Tell what you know, and see what sticks.”

🛠️ Systems Tip

Embrace your obstacles.

As Stoics say:

What stands in the way becomes the way.

Or even better quote on that:

“Your mess is your message.” (- kinda forgot who said it lol)

Whatever struggles are you facing - in the end, it will make your story more interesting.

If a few months ago, my friend wouldn’t tell me that I’ll never be succesful, my story would be boring.

If you’d always have the perfect conditions, your story wouldn’t be inspiring.

Start, and keep going.

That’s the best tip I can give you.

Alright - that’s it for today!

If enjoy shorter letters like this, I’ll be happy to know ;).

Talk soon,

Claudia “Aching Hand” Stellner

P.S.S.: Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. Join my free community for accountability & friendly chat (150+ writers)

  2. Grab The Consistent Writer's Playbook to accelerate your progress as a beginner (50+ writers). You can use discount code “PLAYBOOK13” to grab it for $4.99.