How Twitter Is Ruining Your Success (And How To Solve It)

I'm a Twitter junkie.

And suppose that if you're reading this, you are too.

The bird app changed my life.

It made me

  • impact people's lives

  • reach 10K people with content I enjoy

  • find great life-long friends

  • polish my thoughts

  • earn $700+ just from writing words

All of that at the age of 13, in under 10 months, while spending 6-8 hours at school every day.

But there's one thing I hate about Twitter that ruins people's success:

The overwhelm.

Every single day, you come across thousands of threads and tweets, telling you how to do something.

How to grow your following.

How to build a business.

How to write an e-mail sequence so you can print money at will.

People are hungry for hacks & novel strategies that will help them achieve success with no effort.

And this is what I call, my friends, a real downward spiral. Endless consumption, no creation.

And the reason for that?

Nobody talks about the biggest fundamental of all times:

How to become consistent & build a system for content output (that you can use forever).

If you would focus on just that, you wouldn't have to constantly deal with motivation dips.

You wouldn't face writer's block.

You wouldn't be having excuses for not writing.

That's exactly what I did on my journey:

I've built

  • strong habit

  • proper mindset

  • replicable system

that serves me every single day.

And, you, as a dear subscriber, can steal my playbook for $4.99.

Just use the discount code "PLAYBOOK13" at the checkout.

Sounds good?

See you on the other side!

Talk soon,

— Claudia "Wants To Fix Twitter" Stellner