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  • Separate Yourself From Everyone Else In The Creator Economy By Doing This

Separate Yourself From Everyone Else In The Creator Economy By Doing This

what can einstein teach you

Dear friend,

I don’t have anything super tactical & practical this week.

I’ve been super busy with stuff around the course launch (June 17th let’s go - mark that day in your calendar baby) and have been barely able to focus on Twitter & newsletters.

Regardless of that…

Let’s jump into today’s letter:

There’s one thing that bothers me about “audience-builders” on Twitter (and if you’ve been following me for a while, chances are it bothers you too):

Too many people care about hacking the algorithm…

But not enough people care about understanding human psychology.

You know them all.

Those people that…

  • hop on the ChatGPT treadmill.

  • copy and paste platitudes from other creators.

  • and the worst ones will promise you 15 websites so good you’ll kick yourself you didn’t know sooner.

Isn’t that annoying?

Twitter is becoming a bigger echo amber day by day.

Huh, even this is a lie - Twitter already is an echo chamber that keeps sucking more and more people in.

So the raising question is…

Can we battle it?

And my answer is…



Systems Thinking.

People always say “don’t hate the player, hate the game.”

But in reality…

Most of them are doing the exact opposite.

They’re looking at the players instead of thinking of the game.

They go out there and see what all these big creators do, trying to emulate what they do, expecting the same results.

And sometimes, they get what they want:

Out of the blank, their thread goes viral or they somehow become someone’s favorite creator (because hey who wouldn’t like people who are showing the stupidest use cases of AI? I mean c’mon…)

(I wrote stupidest to show you how stupid it is. It is like writing ‘stupidest’ instead of ‘most stupid.’But back to the topic…)

From time to time, they experience some success (whatever that means)...

But is it sustainable?

Haha, that’s a big, bold, fat no.

And can you guess why’s it that?

Because they can’t see the big picture.

They’re all too caught up in the nitty-gritty details, while only a few understand the fundamental rules of the game.

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." - Albert Einstein

Let me give you an example:

When people try to “go viral…”

What do they do?

They try to hack the algorithm. Use every possible dirty trick in the book. Every possible phrase that might suck the reader in.

But as our fellow man Einstein has stated:

Problems cannot be solved at the level they were created.

It’s like trying to lose weight by purging.

It’s like trying to make yourself more organized with hiding everything in your closet.

It’s like trying to solve global warming with buying an air-conditioner?

In one word? Unlogical.


They think they’re making progress…

But these are just a few sparks that happened randomly because they don’t know how to replicate them.

Habits vs Events

If you want to truly increase your engagement (or basically succeed in anything in life, this is just a hyper-specific example), you need to zoom out.

As I like to say:

The difficulty of your problems is inversely proportional to how much you zoom out to look at them.

When you zoom out, it just becomes a flaw in the system, and you’ll see exactly what to fix to make the system work.

Habit then turns into an event.

Can you see where I’m going with this?

Maybe not.

So I’ll tell you upfront:

First Principles Thinking

This is a concept from Elon Musk.

You’re constantly asking yourself “why” until you don’t get to the fundamental solution to the problem.

And I believe that if everyone could become just slightly better at asking why…

If people would get at least slightly better at deconstructing things…

If people would learn at least the basics of systems thinking…

It would all change.

A lot.

Not only for the creator economy as a whole…

But especially for you, as an individual.

I don’t want to talk about audience building anymore, because I don’t like the fact that it’s an end in itself.

I mean…

People teach other people how to build an audience so they can teach other people how to build an audience so they can teach them how to do the same…

Doesn’t sound that compelling, does it?

I want to talk about things from a much bigger standpoint.

And I do it everywhere.

Even the course that I plan to launch in about 2 weeks…

It isn’t teaching people how to build an audience.

It is teaching people how to become a person that attracts it by default.


Zoomed out.

And it’s also why I wrote this letter:

To help you get a sneak peek into my way of thinking.

This newsletter is here to make you a better writer…

But we’ll be doing that by making you a more intentional, self-actualized & enlightened human being.

Are you fired up?

I hope so.

Have a great week ahead,

— Claudia “Think in Systems” Stellner