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The Secret To Becoming A Person People Can't Resist Following

aka the 3 aspects of a winner's position

Here’s a little point on building Digital Leverage:

You don't need to think about "hacking" the algorithm if you're someone people actually want to listen to.

If you…

  • Think different

  • Pursue your curiosity

  • Build fast

  • Sell smart

  • Evolve relentlessly

  • Walk a lot

  • Practice spirituality

  • Take notes obsessively

  • Document everything in public

There’s no way people won’t engage with your content once they find you.

The online arena is dominated by those who build themselves relentlessly in private & obsessively document everything in public.

They’re the types of people you know you want to follow immediately once you come across their profiles.

They’re the ones that will sell out products within 3 hours on a launch day.

They’re the ones everybody wants to talk to.

And although in today’s letter I’d love to dive deeper into how you can become like them…

before we start, we need to claim the difference between you and them (so we can build on top of that)↓

Abundance vs Scarcity Mindset

There’s this one saying that says “the shooter who focuses on the target the most will miss the target. The shooter who focuses on the game will hit the target.”

This can be applied in anything you do.

Those who focus on the target have scarcity mindset.

Those who focus on the game have abundance mindset.

And guess what?

Most creators I know are operating from scarcity:

They’re chasing results. They’re playing the numbers game. They’re obsessed with metrics even though they keep claiming that they’re not.

These people hardly ever walk far.

You can feel the friction coming from them, you can feel how badly they’re trying to succeed, and you know it from the real life: Nobody wants to talk to pushy people.

The anti-dote to all of this is the abundance mindset:

They feel like they’re exactly at the spot they should be in. They don’t care about the external metrics. Instead they use the intrinsic drivers to guide them (like curiosity or passion).

They don’t care about winning. They care about staying in the game.

And that’s what makes them look like the winners.

That’s what makes them interesting to people & irresistible to follow.

Once you learn to position yourself this way, you

  • improve your engagement

  • increase your sales

  • make people interested in your long-form process

And you know the best part?

Anyone can position themselves as a winner. Yes, even you.

And today, I’m going to show you how:

The 3 Aspects Of A Winner’s Position

People who you look up to the most do at least 1 of these things well:

They either

  • think different

  • have done something cool

  • are building something unique

You can either pick one and go all in…

Or combine 2 or all of these.

Personally, I’m going for the second one.

With all of that being said, let’s break down each:

1) Different Thinking

Those are the people who go against the stream.

They’re offering the world their “red pill”:

Something people don’t want to hear that might transform their whole lives.

These people are very explicit about their philosophy.

In other words…

What they stand for vs what they stand against.

My favorite examples of people who do this well are:

  • George Ten

    • Stands for: CopyTHINKING

    • Stands against: Using templates, mindless copywork

  • Erica Schneider

    • Stands for: Authenticity

    • Stands against: Generic Twitter content

  • Justin Welsh

    • Stands for: Solopreneurship

    • Stands against: Corporate jobs

How to find your red pill:

  • What’s something you’re thinking nobody else is saying out loud?

  • What’s one un-common belief you hold that nothing can convince you against?

  • What’s the most memorable story of your life & what lesson could people pull out from it?

2) Cool Achivements

This is probably one of the EASIEST way to position yourself as a winner.

All you need to do is

  1. Build a profitable skill

  2. Use it to get good results for yourself (or for others with free work)

  3. Share the results

This is the ultimate formula to attract more people.

Whenever you do this, your engagement skyrockets.

It even did the same thing for me.

My engagement in the past weeks has been pretty down (20 -30 likes per tweet on average)...

But look what happened once I’ve shared a win from me:

Other people who are doing this really well are:

  • Kieran Drew - Went from a dentist to a digital solopreneur & achieved financial freedom

  • Filip Harwitch - Made his first internet income from making a meme

  • Valeria - Worked with famous brands on Twitter as a community manager

The best thing about this…

It doesn’t have to be a super impressive achievement.

Trust me, even if there’s only a minor transformation in between where you are right or where have you been a few months ago…people are going to find it impressive & will want to learn from you.

3) Building Something Unique

“People want to follow people on missions.”

Zach Pogrob (@zachpogrob)

People love people with crazy minds & innovative ideas.

Even better, people love people who are executing on those ideas & goals relentlessly every single day.

If you think you’re not unique in anything, or you haven’t done done cool, but you have a dream you want to execute that other people call you crazy for…you have a potential.

Here are some people you can take inspiration from:

  • Julie Ahrens - This girl is crazy. In a good sense. Check out her Twitter account and you’ll see what I mean.

  • Danny Miranda - He’s on a mission to building the world’s #1 podcast - and he’s doing great so far.

  • Zach Pogrob - On a mission to get 1 billion monthly views on Instagram

If you want followers, you need to become a leader.

You need to pick a vision for yourself that you care about, and then do whatever it takes to get there while doing the same for other people.

“To help people build their own identity through building your own identity is what true brand building is."

George Heaton

Alright, that’s it for today.

Talk next Sunday,

Claudia “On a Mission” Stellner

P.S.: Don’t forget to catch some sunlight today ;)

Claudia’s Digest

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