The Rise Of The Sovereign Creator

win in the world of never-ending hustle, AI & saturation

The past few decades have changed a lot of things.

Now you don’t have to spend a decade writing a book, finding a publisher & waiting to find out whether your ideas have resonated with people or not.

Now, making an impact isn’t limited only to a selected few, who were somehow destined to change the world.

The internet has made it accessible for everyone to spark a positive change worldwide with their own ideas.

The internet has become the vessel between your personal improvement, and the improvement of others.

These days, creatives are solving problems, systemizing their solutions & sharing them in public, and they get paid for doing so.

Even I’ve done it myself:

I’ve transformed from an average curious individual with no audience, to a still average & curious individual, but with a 24,000+ audience, +$1000 made in online revenue, a powerful network, and already impacted life a few lives (I’m still 14 btw.)

And guess what?

You can do the same.

Yes, even when you think your niche is saturated.

Yes, even in a world that’s been overtaken by AI.

Yes, even if you’re not an expert in anything.

And today, I’ll show you how (in less than 5 minutes) ↓

Leverage vs Results

I see 99% of people who get on the creator path make 1 mistake:

They chase Results instead of Leverage.

Why is that wrong?

Because results are only short-term.

But leverage is the ability to produce those results in the long term.


If you want to go viral (in order to increase your following), you’re chasing results. It only works in the short term.

But if you want to produce unique value, so you can steadily grow your following, you’re building leverage. It’s gonna serve you in the long term.

I like to call people who are chasing results “Overworked Audience-Building Dummies.”

They’re way too caught up in the numbers game. Posting basic platitudes, sharing their tweets engagement groups & commenting on 696 accounts per day just to get exposure.

And once they stop, they become the Starving Scholars:

  • Nobody cares about their ideas

  • They’ve got 0 real fans

  • They’re gaining a few followers per month

On my journey, I’ve experienced being on both sides.

And over time, I’ve become something that is the exact anti-dote of Starving Scholar & Overworked Audience-Building Dummy:

The Sovereign Creator.

The Rise Of The Sovereign Creator

The Sovereign Creator is focused on building leverage, where instead of trying to chase results, one aims for becoming the type of person that attracts them.

The Sovereign Creator doesn’t have to worry about market saturation, because he’s creating his own unique category.

The Sovereign Creator doesn’t have to worry about engagement because he knows the secrets of impactful writing to communicate his ideas effectively.

The Sovereign Creator doesn’t have to worry about growth, because he has a powerful network to spread his ideas.

In a world of never-ending hustle, The Sovereign Creator isn’t worried about falling behind, because he attracts great results by default.

Today, I can show you how to become one.

Are you fired up enough?

You should.

If you aren’t this path probably isn’t for you.

But if you are…

Let’s kick your Sovereign Creator journey off.

5 Steps To Becoming The Sovereign Creator

"Leverage comes from building skills, credentials, and relationships that make you unique and valuable so that you can create value without having to trade time for money."

Naval Ravikant
  1. Upskill Yourself

  2. Nail Down Your Positioning

  3. Become A Deep Thinker

  4. Learn Persuasion

  5. Build Network

Let’s break down each.

1) Upskill Yourself

“The fastest way to get paid is to get good.”

Kieran Drew

If you want to get into the game & prove your competence, you need to start building foundational skills.

Foundational skills = skills that can make you money.


  • Speaking

  • Persuasion

  • Writing

  • Design

  • Video-Editing

Skills help you solve real-world problems.

And a person who can solve problems gets separated from people who can’t.

That’s how you start getting into people’s awareness:

Because being able to solve a problem is enough.

People never look for experts to teach them.

They look for people just a few steps ahead of them.

2) Nail Down Your Positioning

“When starting, be useful. When scaling, be unique.”

Zach Pogrob

As I’ve mentioned previously:

The Sovereign Creator doesn’t have to battle market saturation, because he has created his own market.

How do you do it?

  1. You define your long-term goal (which is also gonna be the goal you’ll lead other people towards)

  2. You use your skill to get closer to it

  3. You begin to solve problems you encounter in a unique way & share the solutions online (which is going to attract your die-hard fans)

“But how do I make myself unique?”

Pair the foundational skill you’ve learned with your personal interests.


People pay attention when you combine things that shouldn’t go together.


  • Dan Koe -> Entrepreneur obsessed with spirituality

  • Ali Abdaal -> Doctor + YouTuber

  • Claudia Stellner -> 14-year-old kid + creator

3) Become A Deep Thinker

Sovereign Creators are just great thinkers in disguise.

They’re always questioning & going in depth of things.

They’re always looking at everything from a lens of a scientist.

They look for hypotheses.

They start seeing patterns.

They dissect everything into pieces, and then piece it together into a new whole.

And that’s how they create unique content that seems original, deep & novel:

  • They hunt for ideas that spark their curiosity

  • They dive into them deeper

  • They connect them with other ideas

  • They package them up into 1 perspective

  • They keep exploring the world from their unique lens

This way, they have their Endless Content Syhtnesis System nailed down.

4) Learn Persuasion

No matter how good your ideas are…

If you can’t communicate them clearly, nobody’s gonna know about them.

The most impactful writers I know have practiced at least the basics of persuasion.

That includes things like

  • awareness levels

  • conversational writing

  • writing good headlines

  • psychological biases

  • market research

Some of the resources you can learn from:

But remember:

People don’t consume content that is valuable. They consume content that looks valuable.

And persuasion is what helps you with that.

4) Build A Network

“The best content doesn’t win. The best content with the best distribution does.”

Jay Yang

You need to build a network of friends & bigger creators to help you spread your ideas & get more exposure.

Don’t take pride in being a lone wolf, and aim for connecting with at least 1 new cool person per week.

The playbook is simple; it just requires consistency.

  • look for people who follow your favorite creators & are at approximately the same spot as you (or ahead of you)

  • engage with their tweets every day

  • write a good DM

  • keep the conversation going

  • hop on a call

  • repeat

Eventually, with this approach, you’ll build your Inner Circle.

A network of a few people will serve you the most.

And those are the pillars to becoming The Sovereign Creator.

Don’t forget:

Each step is going to take a few weeks/months to optimize.

But you’ll never regret it.

See for yourself.

Have a great week ahead,

— Claudia “The Sovereign Creator” Stellner

P.S.: I’m gonna go much more in-depth into all of these pillars of becoming The Sovereign Creator in my course “The Sovereign Creator Blueprint” that’s gonna be launching to my email list soon. Stay tuned y’all 👀

P.S.S: Don’t forget to catch some sunlight today like me & my dog Rocky did ;)