Rewind, The Biggest Person in Prison, and Happiness

Claudia's Digest #016


Interesting stat from this year:

The most popular content I published here on beehiiv (the posts with the most reach) are all the ones that happened after I switched the very topic & format of this newsletter.

I’ve always known (internally) that making the witch from topics like audience building & online business (meh) to topics I write about now (nothing in particular, just exploring my curiosity) was a good choice. Glad to see some external validation too.

1) The Story Structure

Lately, I’ve been reflecting a lot on what separates the seasons when life seems the most exciting from the ones when it feels dull, empty, and pretty much not like ‘life’ at all.

And that’s when I realized something:

Most of the chapters of life I love to look back on the most would almost always make up for a good movie…or at least a good story to tell at parties.

But the thing is…

I can’t just sit around and wait for the universe to create the movie.

Like obviously, sometimes serendipity becomes the paid actor, but I should be the one who goes out and creates the plot twist.

The picture I’m trying to paint:

Get out of your comfort zone.

Dive into the unknown.

Do that scary thing that’s right in front of you.

Follow the Story Structure.

2) The Biggest Person in Prison

The cliche prison advice to a new prisoner is to punch the biggest person in the prison. Flip this on its head. Find the best people you know and help them as much as you can. (Share their projects, give feedback, make intro’s, etc).

George Mack

Note to self:

Stop trying to keep a scorecard.

When you get to work with all of these exceptional people, give without expectations.

All goodwill will eventually come back to you. And if it won’t… what does it matter anyhow?

Worst case scenario you’ll feel good about yourself because you did the right thing.

3) A Productivity Hack

At the beginning of your day, sit down, and ask yourself:

“What’s today’s adventure?” (h/t: Ali Abdaal)

What is the one thing that if you’d get done today, you’d be satisfied?

Once you identify it, go after it relentlessly.

And if you can’t seem to find it…

Chances are you’re working on the wrong project.


A happy person isn’t someone who’s happy all the time. It’s someone who effortlessly interprets events in such a way that they don’t lose their innate peace.

Naval Ravikant

Things I Liked This Week

  • The Almanack of Naval Ravikant → Click here (you can read the entire book for free)

  • How to get lucky (without being rich) → Click here

  • How this dude landed his dream job for Tim Ferris → Click here

  • Ali Abdaal on My First Million podcast → Click here

Alright, that’s it for today!

Talk next Friday,

– Claudia