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  • Recovering Injuries, Building Self-Confidence & The Importance of Curiosity

Recovering Injuries, Building Self-Confidence & The Importance of Curiosity

Claudia's Digest #013

Happy Sunday to all curious individuals reading Claudia’s Digest.

Happy to announce week marks the 2 year anniversary since I started writing on Twitter.

Since then, I’ve spent a considerable amount of time sharpening my writing skills through many different formats (whether they were social media posts, blog articles or sales pages).

And although I believe I’m still at the beginning…

After all this time focusing on written content, I decided to add another medium to my online portfolio:

A podcast.

Yup, that’s right.

For now, the goal is simple: Commit to posting 3 episodes per week (2 solo, 1 interview) for 6 weeks, and then decide how am I going to continue.

Now onto this week’s digest ↓


In October 2021, I dislocated my shoulder during a taekwondo fight.

Then one month later during another fight (multiple times on that day actually).

Then during a training in February.

It’s no surprise that doctors kept telling me that the chances of me being able to continue with the sport are almost at zero.

But what did I do?

I didn’t listen. Well, partially.

I went on an arthroscopic surgery to stabilize in May 2022 (and was probably one of the youngest kids in my country to ever go through this).

Then wore a sling for 6 weeks.

Then did rehab for 5 months.

Exactly one year ago, I returned to my gym and started training consistently again.

And one week ago…

I won a National Championship. Without any complications. Completely healthy.

This feeling is still quite surreal to me.

I remember two years ago coming from the doctor’s appointment, totally devastated by the news, having no idea whether I’ll ever be able to come back.

And I did. It was an epic comeback.

You know, it’s a crazy story. A story of persistence, prioritizing health, and taking ownership of my life.

And I consider that one of the biggest life wins this year.

1) On Self-Belief

It’s hard to gain other people’s respect when you feel like you don’t deserve it.

You feel like you don’t deserve other people’s respect because you don’t have your own.

Beliefs are feedback loops.

We start to believe something when our premise is repeatedly proven to be true.

Thus, if you want enough belief in yourself, you need to prove that the things you say you’re going to do, are true.

Keep your commitments. Do more than is necessary. Take that extra step, and run that extra mile. Play long games. Listen to what other people think is ridiculous, then do exactly that. Stack wins. Put in the reps.

Any goal seems possible when you have evidence that you are a doer of things.

2) The Perfect Definition of Your ‘Life’s Work’

"My goal is basically to wake up in the morning, love what I'm doing, love who I'm working with, be proud of what I'm doing, [and] help other people to be successful."

Reece Duca (via Frederik Gieschen)

When choosing what to work on next, pick a project that checks off all of the boxes above.

3) On Rejection

Note to self:

People always say “Volume negates luck.”

If you send more emails, you’re more likely to land the clients.

If you talk to more people, you’re more likely to find a partner.

The problem is, I always used to misinterpret this as “if you do enough, you’ll always succeed.”

And that’s wrong. The point isn’t to never be rejected.

The truth is, the conditions aren’t always optimal. But when you are the type of person who goes for things no matter what, you’ll eventually succeed when the time is right.

As they say: luck is when preparation meets opportunity.

But you’ll never get lucky if you aren’t ready to meet the opportunity.


You won’t make it without obsession. But nobody starts out obsessed. They start out curious. They experiment. They build things. They break things, They fail. And eventually they can’t pull themselves away. Curiosity turns into obsession with time and persistence.

Dan Koe

Things I Liked This Week