Read This If You Want to Start a Perosnal Brand in 2023

Alright, I’ll keep it short and sweet for today.

It’s 18:44, and I gotta study for a test that’s tomorrow (plus I can’t really focus cuz my parents are watching football. Anyways…)

I’ve had this week’s newsletter already written & ready to send.

It had kinda depressing vibe that I didn’t like so I scrapped that.

But a few minutes ago I got off call with 2 of my Twitter friends, and I’m overwhelmed with clarity & joy.

Let’s get it.

When I was talking to one of the friends - Jay - I asked him a question that was haunting me in my sleep for the last few days:

"What’s your intrinsic motivation for being a creator? What’s your why?"

And after a few minutes of talking (and experiencing the most aha moments in 20 minutes), here’s my biggest takeaway:

Writing online is the best (and the only) way to get paid for improving yourself. You’re growing & learning, encountering problems, and then solving them via your content, products, or services. And this way, your audience grows along with you.

And that, my friend, is the reason why YOU should start a personal brand in 2023.

Or, if you already have one, treat this one as a mindset shift.

Because who wouldn’t want that?

Everyone wants something out of this life.

Everyone has a certain goal you’re stretching towards (more on that in a sec).

The journey towards the goal is the best part.

And it’s even better if you can take others with you.

Starting a personal brand is a way of taking people on the journey towards your goals.

Starting a one-person business is productizing the journey towards your goals.

And before you say you don’t have any goals…


We all do.

Humans are goal-oriented creatures.

What do you want to improve at?

What do you dislike about your current lifestyle?

What kind of lifestyle would you love to live?

Those are the kind of questions that can reveal your goals.

And thanks to the internet, you don’t have to work towards these goals alone.

You can document your journey.

You encounter roadblocks, create solutions, and then share them online.

It’s like when you & your friend are stuck in a well, you climb out, and hand them a tightrope so they climb up easier.

And I know what you’re thinking:

"I can’t do this"

"I’m not an expert."

Well…nobody is.

The people you see as experts?

They’re just a few steps ahead.

It’s never about being an expert. It’s about nurturing those a few steps behind you.

Everyone you look up to is doing it this way.

And now you have the opportunity to become the one people look up to as well.

In 2023, I’d love to walk you through the journey I went through in 2022.

I’d love to help you write your way towards a powerful brand - no matter who you are, or how qualified you feel.

Will you join me?

I hope so.

Talk next Sunday,

- Claudia “Guide” Stellner

P.S.: Don’t forget to catch some sunlight today!