Purple Cow, Being Interested & Competition is for Losers

Claudia’s Digest #021

Purple Cow

This week, I picked an absolute classic among marketing books - Purple Cow by Seth Godin.

The premise of the book is simple (yet profound):

The era of promoting your products through advertising is dead.

Instead, you should start focusing on creating remarkable products that’ll spread like wildfire (without you having to do anything).

It was an amazing read with. You can check out my brief notes on the book here:

1) The Best Writing Hack

Morgan Housel once wrote:

"Writing is an efficiency game. Whoever says the most stuff in the fewest words wins."

Good writing = concise writing.

It’s the art of compressing each of your ideas down to its essence.

Art that’s very difficult to master…yet not impossible.

But not with this simple practice:

1) Write your entire piece (newsletter, Twitter thread, or even YouTube script).

2) Pick 2-3 sections that feel overly dragged out.

3) Take a break for an hour or two, and once you come back, rewrite those sections from memory.

Try it, and don’t tell me your writing doesn’t improve after 3-4 times you do this.

2) The Paradox of Hard Work

The easier something seems to make, the more effort went into it.

The writer with the most concise writing spends hours rewriting and editing his peace.

The fighter who doesn’t get tired in a fight spends more time training to exhaustion.

The guitarist whose fingers trace along the fretboard on autopilot is the one who spends the most time playing.

It’s always the things that look like “anyone can do them” that were carved out only for the selected few.

That’s the paradox of hard work:

You spend your entire life putting in effort into something, just for it to look effortless.

Sounds a bit harsh - but once you find a game when this paradox doesn’t sound like a burden, go all in.

That’s going to be your life’s work.

3) Interested > Interesting

These days, not caring is considered ’cool’.

I go disagree with that trend.

My favorite people all prioritize being interested rather than being interesting.

They’re humble with elderly people, but compassionate with the younger.

They have open mind about things that aren’t considered trendy.

They learn. Build. Evolve. Create. And ultimately - win, while helping others win too.


Competition is for losers.

Peter Thiel

Things I Liked This Week

  • 3 of my favorite thinkers having a conversation together → Listen here

  • A brief interview with the marketing OG → Watch here

  • A goldmine for anyone interested in psychology/self-awareness → Buy here

  • Why should you seek beauty everywhere → Read here

Alright, that’s it for today!

Talk next Friday,

– Claudia