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  • A New Project, Why Pessimism Wins & A Limited Playing Field

A New Project, Why Pessimism Wins & A Limited Playing Field

Claudia's Digest #010

Happy Sunday to 1,800+ people reading Claudia’s Digest.

Before I dive into this week’s edition, a little update from me:

I’ve been kinda missing long form writing, so I decided that from the next week, I’m going to do my best to send 2 weekly emails instead of just one.

On Wednesday, I’ll send a deep dive essay on an idea or topic that’s been on my mind for the past week.

On Sundays, I’ll keep sending these short Sunday wraps as I’ve been doing for the past few months.

With that being said, let’s dive in.

A New Job…

I’m stoked to announce that this week, I got hired for Perch to help them build the Creator Archive. 

Perch is a platform that allows you to grow an audience by answering people’s questions.

To grow the platform, founder Mike & his team are building multiple brand accounts on Twitter and other social media platforms to show people how does it work.

One of them you might have come across is the Startup Archive, which, as you can guess, focuses solely on startups.

My project will look pretty much similar, except the target audience will be creators.

You know that I’ve been criticizing the direction Money Twitter creators have been going in for some time, and I see the Creator Archive as a massive opportunity to bring back people of what does it actually mean to be a creator.

Exciting times ahead.

1) The 2-Step Process To Learn Anything

Step 1: Pick a project (for yourself or someone else) requiring the given skill

  • Writing → Write 30 threads in 30 days

  • Design → Distill my favorite ideas into visuals

  • Speaking → Record a podcast episode

2) Ask yourself “What are the fundamentals required for me to learn this?”

Let’s take design for example.

If you want to learn how to make compelling visuals, there are 3 essentials you should know about:

  1. Color theory

  2. Positioning of elements

  3. Typography

Voila - now you can get to learning.

And remember:

Foundations are key. It’s much better to be at 9/10 or 10/10 on foundations than to try and get super deep into things.

You do need to be deep in something because otherwise you’ll be a mile wide and an inch deep and you won’t get what you want out of life. You can only achieve mastery in one or two things. It’s usually things you’re obsessed about.”

- Eric Jorgenson

2) Pessimism vs Optimism

Pessimism is more popular than optimism because it sounds so much smarter.

Everybody agrees when you say that “things are going to crumble soon”, but when you say “things are gonna get so much better in the near future”, everyone stares at you like you’re an idiot.

It’s not that pessimists are always right and optimists are wrong.

It’s just that when they make their claims, nobody looks at them like like they’re aliens.

“Pessimists get to be right. Optimists get to be rich.”

Shaan Puri

3) Talking to people

I always used to be afraid of talking to strangers.

I would have these ridicolous fears of “what if they don’t like me” or “what if they think I’m annoying” circling through my head.

Until I realized that when you actually do approach someone, there are 3 scenarios that can happen:

  • They’re introverted & glad someone gets them to open up

  • They’re extroverted and glad someone gets them to open up

  • They’re assholes & don’t wanna talk to you at all…in that case, realize it’s about them, not about you ;)


“Learn copy, but don’t become a copywriter. Learn FB ads, but don’t become a media buyer. Learn funnels, but don’t become a funnel builder. Know everything, remain nothing. When you become something, you filter all opportunities through that label and see a limited playing field.”

Tej Dosa

Things I Liked This Week

  • Improve your designs with these videos (one of the best introductions to visual design I’ve ever seen) → Click here

  • How to become a T-shaped person → Click here

  • One of the most enlightening conversations you’ll ever here → Click here

  • Top-notch career advice → Click here