New Post

Hey friends, welcome to another issue of the 1/3/1 newsletter!

Let's get you inspired for the week ahead:

1. The most popular piece of content from me this week:

P.S.: This is the very 1st tweet I've ever written that crossed 100 likes. I'm super grateful for everyone who was a part of this success! Thank you!

2. 3 pieces of content I've enjoyed:

  1.  A thread from Hudson Rennie on best FREE resources for Medium writers. Hudson beautifully curated the best freebies/articles Medium writers can use - I've already downloaded a headline swipefile and signed up for the free e-mail course to get my 1,000 followers. I'm super excited about what it will bring!

  2. Tim Denning on The Koe Cast. Tim Denning is these days one of my favorite writers. Although I haven't listened to the whole episode yet, I'm already fired up. I especially like the part where Tim explains how writing helped him to beat his mental illness, and how he and Dan discuss how writing helps them to turn negative thoughts into positive ones.

  3. JK Molina's free guide to Twitter growth. In this guide, I've learned 2 important things: 1. the equation for providing the maximum amount of value 2. that I should focus on networking and making sales, rather than followers and engagement. According to this guide, I'll adjust how my Twitter journey is going to continue.

3. A quote for the week ahead:

"Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must live." - Charles Bukowski

Progress report:

  1. + 47 new followers on Twitter

  2. + 9 new followers on Medium

  3. + 2 new subscribers here (welcome you 2!)

Have a great week.

Live and grow!