New Post

- - Anouncement --

I'm officially changing the theme of this newsletter - I decided to make it more niche.

What can you expect from now? Each week, I tweet a lot of hacks to improve your writing. Each Sunday, I'll do a deep dive on the most popular. And also, the name of this newsletter will be "The Hacked Writer" : )

Hey friends, welcome to the first issue of The Hacked Writer Newsletter!

What can you expect today?

  • how to have endless ideas for tweets

  • how to enter the flow state

  • a subtle way to clarify your writing

//3 minute read//

Let's take a dive into some of the coolest writing hacks I've shared this week:

#1: How To Create Engaging Tweets

Writing is mostly a matter of reusing old well-performing pieces and doubling down on them. And on Twitter, this rule is twice as important.

The thing about Twitter is: If a tweet is doing good, it's more often than not because of its structure/format, not because of its topic. And that's why you want to templatize your most successful tweets- because templates allow you to replicate the structure, and reuse it again, which increases the likelihood of the tweet being successful again.

But wait...How can I templatize my old tweets?

I'll show you a couple of examples:


Setting clear goals and scheduling your tasks on time can save you countless hours of productivity.


[Item no.1] and [Item no.2] can save you countless hours of [X].


Daily reminder: Productivity is not a matter of time. It's a matter of your energy and your focus.


Daily reminder: [topic/skill] is not a matter of [X]. It's a matter of [Y] and [Z].

See? All tweets have a basic structure, and then some variables that can change. The key is to identify the variables that you can replace. And that's how you make a template.

#2: How To Enter A Flow State

Writers should operate like athletes: Athletes always warm up & prime their bodies with light exercises. Writers should do that too.

At first, you need to warm up. Here are some activities that can help you with that:

  • walking

  • gym

  • biking

  • doing chores

Then, you want to prime your brain with light exercises like:

  • writing tweets

  • braindump

  • journaling

  • creating a mind-map.

With these, you'll be able to enter flow 99% of the time.

Do you know the feeling when you're fired up to write about a concept/topic, but then you just don't know how to explain it without using too much fluff?

This hack is the solution to this.

The more time you're forced to retain something, the more points of view you need to come up with, thus your understanding also deepens.

So in case, you'll ever feel like you don't know how to explain something, write about it twice.

Try these:

  • firstly handwrite the idea, then type it out

  • record voicenotes, then then type it out

  • explain it to a family member, then type it out.

Alright - that's it!

If you've liked this issue, forward it to a friend.

P.S.: Don't forget to catch some sunlight today!