New Post

Hey friends! Welcome to another issue of the 1/3/1 Newsletter.

Let's look at the things past week broad:

The most popular piece of content from me:

3 pieces of content I enjoyed:

1. A visual from Janis Ozolins:

I especially liked it, because it sparked interesting thought in me. Consuming content is collecting dots, writing is collecting them. When you have too little dots, you'll make only a few connections. When you have too many, it's going to be too overwhelming.

In conclusion: To maximize creativity, you need to balance creating and consuming.

2. This episode of The Koe Cast by Dan Koe, where he explains what to do when you're not interested in anything. Really resonating.

3. A YouTube video "Make An Easy Habit Tracker In Notion From Scratch" by Red Gregory. It was easy and comprehensive, and the habit tracker is really cool!

A quote of the week:

"Don’t ask people to mentor you. Become someone worth mentoring, become their friend, and let them talk. This works wonders when you’re young." - JK Molina

Have a great week ahead!