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Every single kid has 1 thing they'd do everything to get.

For me, that was an iPad.

iPad Pro 2021 that costs $799 (to be specific).

Last year, it was the only thing that was on my mind 24/7.

We even wanted to buy 1 with my best-friend, and share it together (genius plan).

Every single time I went shopping with my mom, I was begging on my knees to get to iStore. mom always regretted that decision because every single time we got there, I was stuck  for 30 minutes drawing random things on Procreate.

At that time, I was an avid fan of Ali Abdaal - and he's a hell of a Apple fanboy.

And a millionaire.

Watching his videos made me want to test out the sweet career of a content creator - although the idea of putting myself out there was my worst nightmare.

I tried to follow his advice, but...

But I was too lost to make money onine. I tried to write a blog. Failed. My motivation was dipping. It was all going nowhere.

*fast forward 14 months*

Last week, I made my very first online sale for $4.99. And over the week, I went from $4.99 to $340. Sheeesh.

No life-changing money (and sadly still won't buy me an iPad) - but the mindset shift it gives is priceless.

Now I know that

  • my products have value

  • I can make sales

  • I'm an authority and people WANT to buy for me

As. A. F*cking. Teenager.

Today, I'd love to share my playbook that will help you make your first $1 (or $300) online (even if you work a job, or spend 6-8 hours at school like me).

Sounds good?

Let's take a dive:

1. Understand it's a long-term process.

The first marketing framework I've ever learned:

Jab, jab, jab, right hook by Gary Vaynerchuk.

In other words:

You want to prime people with tons of jabs (free social media content, newsletter, free products).

That will set them up so then you can...throw a sharp right & knock them out (introduce a paid product & make them buy).

Gary himself said that he wishes he could call the book "Jab, jab, jab, jab (51x), right hook."


That's the basic principle.

It's reciprocity. The more you give, the more you'll get in exchange.

In fact, we could argue that you make the most money with your free content (if you provide it for long enough).

With that understood, let's move on to...

2. Social Media

In order to get customers, you need to get them through a funnel.

And that funnel starts with social media (in our case Twitter). 

The content you post & the personal brand you build are your most valuable assets.

They capture attention. Get people interested in what you have to say. Build authority. traffic.

The catch is:

It must be done right.

You have to:

  • be consistent (if that's your struggle, I can help you out here)

  • focus on value > viral

  • be active in the community

  • share your unique lense

and most importantly...

3. Find the right niche

Riches are in the niches.

And theniche that pays well is in the intersection of

  • topic you enjoy talking about

  • topic that people want to hear from you on (= has a market)

  • topic where you have enough skills

Sometimes it's a tough nut to crack.

I've rebranded many times on my journey.

I started writing content for students.

The problem?

No market.

Then I moved to productivity & self-improvement.

The problem?

Lack of skills in that area.

Yet, my current niche is an intersection of all.

And it pays cash.

4. Listen to the market

By putting out content, you make sh*t ton of noise.

Now you gotta listen for signal.

  • What questions do people ask you?

  • What problems have you solved people seem to struggle with?

  • What is something you wish more people understood?

Be active. Ask questions. Pay close attention.

On my journey, I noticed a few things:

  1. People often ask me & admire me for my consistency.

  2. Many people I was starting with have quit on the journey

  3. 30 days of daily writing random things made me gain incredible amount of momentum & I wish more people understood that.

This sparked an idea in me:

5. Build the product

This might seem like the difficult part.

It's not.

The most difficult part here is getting out of your own way.

You have to stop overthinking and get into the process.

Here's the blueprint to follow to decrease the overwhelm:

  1. Choose the ideal product:

  • online course

  • video course

  • email course

  • e-book

  • guide

2. Brainstorm ideas (your own, other people's)

3. Create your own frameworks & add your own lense (positioning)

4. Edit a few times

5. Design (if needed) using Canva

6. Get someone to proofread it

7. Final touch-ups

That's it.

6. Build in public

The best advice before publishing the e-book I've ever received:

Market it before it's ready.

  1. Post teasers

  2. Post tweets & threads related to it

  3. Make your deadlines public

This raises your potential customers' awareness. Aka, it gets them thinking like

"Ok something's happening, I need to get ready."

If you have enough authority (back to the point no. 2), the chance of them then buying (and providing a good review) is big.

6. Launch

To make this part smoother, it's cool to have a landing page.

Good thing is that these days you can design one, on your own, for free (as I did) using Carrd (no affiliate, just really like the app).

I won't talk about the proper copywriting right now.

In fact, I didn't even care about that part.

I just looked at my favorite landing page, and used that as a template.

And it worked.

7. Promote

People WANT to buy from you - they just have to know you have stuff to sell.

Again - if you have an authoritave brand, people will even ASK you to sell something to them.

But how do you promote effectively in a "non-spammy" way?

I'm the wrong person to ask lol.

The best ways I found so far:

  • post links under stand-alone tweets (relevant to the topic)

  • get your friends to retweet it

  • share at the end of a newsletter issue

  • have it on your website/linktree

Alright - that's it!

Now excuse me, I gotta go to sleep and (while making some money of course).


Till Sunday,

— Claudia "Soon-To-Be-Millionaire" Stellner

P.S.: Whenever you are ready, there is 1 way I can help you:

The Consistent Writer's Playbook (to build a powerful brand & 2x your content output even if you go to school/work a full time job).

As a dear subscriber, you can use discount code "PLAYBOOK13" to grab it for $4.99.

Sounds good?

See you on the other side!