New Post

Hey friends, welcome to another issue of 1/3/1 Newsletter!

Let's get you fired up for the week ahead:

The most shared piece of content from me:

3 Significant things I've learned this week:

  1. The 4 stages to monetizing your content from Justin Welsh (@justinwelsh): 1. Discovery (you need to provide enough value on social platforms in order for people to discover you) 2. Trust (once they're hooked on your surface level content, show them your experitse with long form content) 3. Relationships (build a community with strong relationships among all memebers + use it as a tool for sharing behind the scenes of your work) 4. Monetization (the community works like a shopping mall, where monetization is pretty easy.)

  2. Stop identifying yourself with your mind - I'm reading The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle, and the first chapter of this book is basically all about englightement, and how to find inner peace and joy - and it's impossible to find these if you treat everything your mind comes up with as a reality. That's why you should practice mindfullness and being present, to learn how to separate your thoughts from the reality.

  3. My writing workflow should be more than Apple Notes - of course, having a quick capture app like that is useful if you're writing short form content, but if you want to write high-quality long-form content, you need to create a more complex system that will basically create the content on its own. I've learned this from Tim Denning (@Tim_Denning)

Mantra for the week ahead:

"If you don't ask, you don't get."

Let's crush the next week!