How To Navigate Phases Of Feeling Lost

and why are those phases necessary

Hey, what’s up?

Hope y’all are enjoying a great Sunday.

Btw for those who missed it, yesterday I posted a brilliant email about the beta version of my course, and as always…I forgot to paste the link to the sales page (about 3rd time this happened to me).

For those who are still interested, here it is (2 last spots left).

Now onto today’s letter.

Let me spill some tea for you:

I haven’t been feeling that lost on my business journey in a long time.

My growth has become too steep.

My engagement has been slacking.

And I’ve been having huge doubts & lacking clarity in terms of my strategy.

But the awareness of me feeling lost has helped me to navigate this phase better than I could have ever done it before.

And as I went for a walk the other day, munching on my ideas & thoughts about feeling lost and how it affects one's progress… I’ve had some major bursts of clarity. Not only on how to progress in business…but also on how to battle the phases of life when you’re feeling lost.

If you’ve been going through similar phases of feeling lost & uncertain on your future, this letter might be your painkiller.

Let’s get to it ↓

Your Perception of Feeling Lost Is Broken

If you’re feeling lost, it means that you’ve stepped into the unknown.

You’ve gone out of your comfort zone, and now have the chance to get the hint of something greater, something greater than you’ve ever known before.

The thing is…

Most people treat feeling lost as a bad sign, because they perceive it for what it does (clutters your vision & makes you feel like a failure), not for what it is (an exceptional opportunity to level up).

You have to realize that life comes in cycles.

If you’re going to stop feeling lost, then what?

You’ll start making progress again. But nothing can grow forever, and over time, you’ll need to level up & put yourself into a different environment. That’s when you’ll start feeling lost again.

The picture I’m trying to paint here is that feeling lost isn’t what stops you from the journey. It is a part of it. Obstacle is the way, we know that.

The point is to enjoy every part of the game because you only get to play once (h/t Zach Pogrob).

Uncertainty vs Struggle

Feeling lost is passive.

Struggle is active.

You can’t just wait until the phase of feeling lost is going to pass by.

Instead, you need to dive into it head first to reap all its benefits.

Struggle solidifies your learnings. If you put in the work, you’ll come out wiser & stronger than ever before, because you finally become intentional about your learning.

When I hurt my shoulder & needed to undertake surgery, I’ve come out with stronger shoulders than ever before, because I was more intentional about my shoulder training than ever before.

See? When you’re struggling, you’re more intentional about learning in order to make progress. If you start viewing feeling lost as an opportunity for growth rather than an opportunity for giving up, everything changes.

Now…enough of the cliché talk.

It’s time to reveal my AOGE framework for conquering the phases of feeling lost & uncertain.

Here it is:

1) Awareness

We’ve talked about this already.

Once you become aware of the fact that

  • you’re currently in the phase of feeling lost

  • you need to switch from passive waiting for to active struggle

  • you’re going to come stronger on the other side

  • life comes in cycles & this is not the last time you’re battling it

Everything becomes easier.

Take your time to sit down and acknowledge one of these facts. Internalize what it means. Let your brain do its job.

Watch your thoughts & emotions come and go.

If you’re aware of what’s going on in your mind, none of it can hurt you.

2) Order

Ordered Consciousness is when everything in your life, whether that be your daily actions, events & thoughts is in alignment with your long-term goals & vision.

Can you guess what does it mean to feel lost?

It means a disorder in consciousness.

This can occur in 2 ways:

1) You’re not taking action that would help you achieve your goals

2) Those actions aren’t having the outcome you’d love to

You already know the former: You need to act towards your goals despite all of the struggles.

“But I don’t know what my goals are Claudia, that’s why am I feeling lost.”

In that case…your goal is to find something that fulfills you, something that might become your life’s work.

In that case, you need to take steps that help you find it.

Trust me there can be goal found in anything.

How To Order Consciousness

1) Write down all of your

  • negative thoughts

  • worries

  • fears

2) Ask yourself: Are they valid, or are you just looking at them from a very short-term feedback loop? Example: You can’t complain your post didn’t get any likes in the first millisecond after sending it. In the same way, you might not see the outcome of the things you’re doing even if you’re on the right path. Zoom out.

3) Create a plan of all the things you need to do. This leads us to…

3) Gamify

We can also call this step “take action”...

But we’re all playing the same game. And those who become conscious of it, create their own world & levels eventually get the most out of it.

Make the process fun by dividing your progress stages as levels to the game.

Even better: Sort these levels by output, not the outcome.

Ex: Write for 30 mins > Get 30 likes on a post

But the most important thing:

Just start.

Get into the unknown.

Action precedes clarity.

4) Experiment

It’s all plug-and-play.

You take action. You zoom out & give it a few days.

Sometimes, you’ll start seeing results & progress.

And if you don’t?

You pivot. Iterate. Change strategy. Pay for mentorship from the experts.

There’s no way to not break out of the rut if you’re constantly iterating on your strategy & giving the results enough time to show up.

Remember: Everything is figure-out-ble.

And this is how you navigate the phases of feeling lost.

Become aware.


Order consciousness.

Zoom out.


This is the way.

That’s it for today.

Talk next Sunday,

Claudia “Not Feeling So Lost Anymore” Stellner

P.S.: Don’t forget to catch some sunlight today ;)

This Week’s Highlights:

“Finite player plays to win, but infinite player plays to stay.” - Simon Sinek