I'm pivoting (again)

Wassup fellow creator?

I wish a happy Sunday to you & 631 other individuals.

For today, I have one bad news & one good news.

The bad news:

Today, I won't show neither how to become a great writer nor how to gain 1,000 followers in 24 hours.


The good news is:

I have a few exciting updates & pivots coming up, and I can't think of better person to share it with than you ;)

So maybe you won't learn anything new - but you get a transparent look behind my branding & audince building strategy.

Sounds like a fair deal, nah?

Let's dive in.

1. The Newsletter Name

My newsletter (and Twitter brand) has been known for a long time as Writing Cheat Codes.

But, after a few days of refining my profile & thinking about my message, I came to conclusion that...

The name sucks.


1) It doesn't sound as professional and too childish (ignore the fact I'm 13 for now¨)

2) It goes against some of my philosophies in terms of writing & content and might spark certain confusion

I was trying to draft a few new names already, but all of them sounded too cliché & boring.

So if you got any ideas...

Hit the reply button & let me know!

2. New description

For now, I was claiming that my content will help you become "top 1% creator".

But again, as I was thinking about my core values & the topics I can't shut up about...

I came up with a genius line that sums everything perfectly.

It was like the last missing piece of puzzle I needed.

Here it is:

"Helping creators navigate the path towards value, leverage & clarity".

Value. Leverage. Clarity.

3 most important pillars in my content.

Not bad, huh?

3. A combined newsletter??

Ok that one's embarassing.

I've changed the theme of my newsletter already 4x.

I started with curation newsletter. Then switched to 3 writing tips each Sunday. Then did a few deep-dive style issues.

But then an interesting question sparked in me:

Why can't I do both?

Maybe deep dives on weekends, and more quick-tips-style on weekdays.

I can't see a reason why this could go wrong.

Well, I'll probably find it out in the process.

But the plan for now is:

Thursday - 3 quick tips

Sunday - Deep Dive Style

This brings me to the point #4...

4. New theme

In the "quick-style" newsletter, I'll share

  • 1 writing tip

  • 1 personal branding/audience building tip

  • 1 systems tip (focused on habits, ideation, all that good stuff)

Then I'd probably wrap it with a link to my favorite resource of that week, my most shared thread, etc.

Looks good to me for now.

5. Another course in the works

Yep that's right.

I'm working on a new course - and this one's gonna be a banger.

It's been 2 weeks since I released The Consistent Writer's Playbook that's targetting mostly beginner writers.

But, the target market of the course will be a bit intermediate writers who:

  • feel stuck

  • have bad engagement

  • see everyone making progress & feel behind

  • want to quit

  • can't find their niche

Here's a little sneak peek:

Alrighty - I think that's a good way to end it.

To wrap it up:

  • I'm changing the name & reframing the message of the newsletter

  • I'm working on a new course

  • I'll experiment with 2 newsletter issues/week (wish me good luck on this one)

Have any questions? Ideas? Suggestions? I'd be happy to talk.

Til next Sunday,

— Claudia "Pivoting" Stellner

P.S.: Don't forget to catch some sunlight today (it works even if it's cloudy outside)

P.S.S.: Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. Join my free community for accountability & friendly chat (150+ writers)

  2. Grab The Consistent Writer's Playbook to accelerate your progress as a beginner (50+ writers)