Getting hired...

đź“‹Claudia's Digest #010

Happy Sunday to everyone reading this week’s edition of Claudia’s Digest.

I just came back from a 5-day taekwondo training camp, and although my body’s feeling sore, my mind’s bouncing with a bunch of cool ideas I’d love to share with you in this letter.


Let’s take a dive ↓

3 weeks ago, I applied to work as a newsletter writer for Ali Abdaal.

And this Monday, I finally got a response…

Long story short:

I didn’t get hired for the exact role I applied for.


The team loved the pieces I submitted to them and wants me to work for them as a freelancer on any projects that require writing (landing pages, lead magnets, newsletters, etc.).

In other words:

I got my foot in the door.

And it’s still a beginning…

1) On Early Stages of Your Career

If you’re getting started with entrepreneurship, don’t focus on building products.

View yourself as the product that needs to be built instead.

Acquire skills. Stack small wins. Learn from your failures. Find what makes you unique. Dabble in everything until you discover the thing only you can do.


“Become the best in the world at what you do. Keep redefining what you do until this is true.”


2) On Books

A lot of people are telling you that you should spend less time reading and more time executing what you’re learning about.

I disagree.

Especially when speaking of books - it isn’t always about applying everything you learn.

Books are about getting in the right state of mind. It’s about adapting the beliefs that will get you into the spot where you want to be.

It’s like getting a cheap mentorship from the world’s greatest athletes, artists or entrepreneurs.

My framework:

Read for the right mindset. Take action for the right knowledge.

3) Writing as a Byproduct

I never wanted to be a writer.

In fact, the real reason I started writing online is that I had so many ideas in my mind that I just couldn’t not write about them.

And I believe this is a common trait in many successful creators:

Writing is effortless for them because they’re writing about topics they can’t shut up about.

They’re writing to express something that already exists in them.

They use writing as a vehicle to get closer to their nature.

Alright, that’s it for today.

Have a great week ahead,

– Claudia