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  • The Most Fundamental Principle I'm Applying To Grow My Business In 2023

The Most Fundamental Principle I'm Applying To Grow My Business In 2023

The Value Funnel, being on a mission, and a lot more

  • “This storytelling framework will help you print money at will”

  • “These 6 no-code tools have helped me scale my business to $1M”

  • “These 5 psychology biases will increase your landing page conversion rate by 10.1% percent”


That is the reason why so many people struggle to monetize their content.

The overwhelm.

Thousands of accounts focusing on the nitty gritty stuff, while neglecting the big picture.

Each one shares thousands of different tactics.

Thousands of different blueprints.

Thousands of different tools.

It’s frustrating, I get it.

And don’t worry:

I’m not here to give you yet another blueprint to grow your business in 2023 (although that was the idea I started with lol).

Instead I’m here to talk about a mindset shift.

A new approach I’m taking on as a creator this year.

It might seem too fundamental, plain and boring…but I believe it's the initiator for a lot of big things this year (both for me and you).

Mark my words here, I’ll check up with you in December.

But before we dive in...

A quick announcement.

As you might know, I've recently started my consulting offer - and I've had an absolute blast hopping on calls & helping people.

But unfortunately, as a student, I don't have enough bandwidth to do these forever.

But since it is spring break for me, I still have 3 spots left (and you can book a call till Tuesday midnight). Then the price is gonna go up massively.

Here's some feedback I got so far:

Interested? Learn more here.

But now...let's dive in.

How I Made My First 1$ Online

I don’t tell this story very often…

But my sfirst 1$ (well, first $5) weren’t through selling at all.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

Well, I was giving away a freebie (a database of tweet templates), and some random dude has paid me $5 as a bonus.

When I saw that I totally freaked out because I felt like a robber…but that was just my imposter syndrome being too big at that time. No worries, I’m okay now ;)

Ooh I’m rambling…back to the point:

Do you know what made him pay?

Yep, that’s right.


Do you know how I made my next $400?

I got hired by a ghostwriting agency.


I was providing tons of value on my Twitter account that made them reach out to me.

Do you know how I made my next $500?

I sold an e-book that was valuable.

Do you know how I made my last $200?

I started a consulting offer…

But before that I’ve been consistently providing value on Twitter for the last 10 months.

Btw I just realized I’ve hit $1k in online revenue already. Yippie.

But to drive this point home…

You make money by providing value.

Mindblowing, right?

I know I know, and I can see your head exploding right now. Will give you a few minutes to get back together.

You good already?

Okay, bear with me for a bit more here:

The Core Problem

As I’ve mentioned in the beginning:

Sometimes, people get too nitty gritty.

They get caught up in the tactics, roadmaps, frameworks…

So they forget to do 1 thing:

Provide fucking value.

Value is where it all starts.

Because if you focus on providing the most value, and not on just making money, you start operating from a spot of abundance.

In other words, you become less needy.

You’ll start emitting magnetic energy from you…and guess what?

It’s going to attract more people towards buying from you.

Moreover, people are very sensitive when someone is too needy. Like that one guy from our school who was trying’ to get 2 younger girls at a time. Long story.

In the book Oversubscribed, the author, Dan Priestly, talks about the importance of having more demand than supply.

What does that mean?

It means having more clients/customers than you can handle.

You’ll also start to get very picky about who you are going to work with and who you aren’t, because you’ll realize that you can’t be everything to everyone. Instead, you’ll start focusing on 1 core group of people you can help.

And leads to having more demand than supply…which leads to making your business Oversubscribed (halfway through the book, it’s awesome).

”Your job isn’t to please everyone. Your job is to find those people who can’t live without you.”

Dan Priestly

But that’s a topic for another day.

Now if we come back to the value thing, the main question is:

How To Apply All Of That In Practice

And I have an answer for you.


The Value Pyramid.

Let me explain:

At the bottom, you have the very base of your business: Value.

If you don’t have this one, you can’t make anything else work.

How do you know if you provide value?

You can solve problems for people.

Or at least 1 problem for 1 person.

Yep it’s that simple.

Next up, you’ve got perceived value.

This one’s a bit tricky…it’s about how people on the outside think your offer is valuable.

And all of that comes into good copywriting & persuasion…but we won’t go down that rabbit hole today.

If you want to learn more, I recommend you to study this video.

At the top, you’ve got attention.

Attention comes from your traffic source (Twitter, for most of us).

But not just any attention (posting your favorite chrome extensions won’t really help you…).

You need to get the RIGHT kind of attention.

So how do you attract it?

“Give For Free What Others Charge For”

— Alex Hormozi

Too many people are afraid that if they share too much for free, nobody’s going to buy their products.


When you overdeliver people with information, they’ll need a vehicle to implement all of it & make it work.

And the best vehicle?

Paid product/service.

 “People don’t pay for information, they pay for implementation.” 

Alex Hormozi (again)


If you put a price tag on things people tend to take them a lot more seriously.

And that’s the reason my consulting calls are paid btw.

I’m a student, I don’t NEED to make money.

But I care about helping people.

Okay…so after reading this, you hopefully understand the fundamental principle.

But what to do next?

You need 3 things:

  1. A valuable offer (covered in here)

  2. Enough attention from the traffic source (this whole newsletter & my Twitter account is about that)

  3. And once you understand fundamentals...you need a well-structured plan to apply all of that in action which I'll share the next week.

Stay tuned.

Bottom line...

When you look at the biggest names over the past decades…

For most of them, becoming rich was just a byproduct.

Just a byproduct of something much bigger:

Of causing a change in humanity.

And although I don’t think I have the potential to change humanity…I don’t have it yet.

But since one-person business evolves with you…

It’s possible to do it in the future.

But we need to start somehow.

And I’m here to help you with that.

We're in this together.

And whenever you’ll be too desperate for money…remember this:

Alright, that was it for today!

Have a great one,

— Claudia "About To Change The World" Stellner

P.S.: My goal is to provide the best value I can with this newsletter. To help me with that, could you take 2 minutes to fill out this survey?

P.S.S.: Don't forget to catch some sunlight today ;)