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  • Landing My First Client, Knowing When To Quit & Hitting Invisible Targets

Landing My First Client, Knowing When To Quit & Hitting Invisible Targets

đź“‹Claudia's Digest #002

Happy Saturday to 1,800 people reading Claudia’s Digest.

I’m writing this as the very first thing in the morning (well, right after chugging a glass of cold water & checking my phone [please don’t blame me for that one]).

Anyway, let’s dive into this week’s juice.

Today’s reading time: 2 mins


I guess this tweet speaks volume (as well as the support in the comments).


1) Quitting Framework

Paul Graham in his blog post What You’ll Wish You’d Known writes:

“When I ask people what they regret most about high school, they nearly all say the same thing: that they wasted so much time. If you're wondering what you're doing now that you'll regret most later, that's probably it.”

Aside people from high school…

Knowing when to quit is a crucial skill for any entrepreneur.

Below, I share the most useful framework I found up to date for deciding which projects you should keep working on & which ones you should quit.

When deciding whether to quit working on your current project, consider these 5 factors:

  • Accomplishment - Have I done something note-worthy in the past 3 months?

  • Impact - Would I write a line in my resume about the work I’ve done over the past 3 months?

  • Growth - Have I acquired enough valuable skills?

  • Challenge - Have there been days when I was thinking about a work problem in the shower so profoundly that I forgot if I used the soap or not?

  • Community - Am I excited and happy to go to work every morning and see my teammates. Do I believe in the mission, vision, and leadership of this team or company?

2) Handling difficult times

3) On dealing with plateaus

When you’re feeling lost, ask yourself:

"What is a stupidly obvious thing I haven't tried yet?"

“Talented people are good at hitting targets others can’t hit, but geniuses find targets others can’t see.”

David Perell

Anddd that’s it for today!

If you enjoyed this email, do let me know your thoughts on this edition by replying to this email.

Have a great week ahead.

– Claudia

Things I Liked This Week