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Dream Come True, Theory of Constraints & Eliminating Blind Spots

Claudia’s Digest #017

Happy Sunday to everyone reading Claudia’s Digest.

The last couple of weeks in December I took a tiny break from publishing this newsletter, but this week I’m back in full force.

Let’s dive in ↓

New Year, New…


That’s right - I finally switched from Windows to Mac, which was on my Bucket List for about 2 years.

I remember how in 2021 I was searching all over YouTube tutorials on how to instal MacOS to your Windows…

And now, at the end of 2023, I was able to buy a Mac for my own money.

Surreal how much can change with 1-2 years of consistent effort.

1) Theory of Constraints

There’s no doubt the ability to figure out what to work on is as important as doing the actual work.

The question is:

How do you find out what are those high-leverage tasks you should be working? How do you know what tasks to prioritize?

That’s where the theory of constraints comes in handy.

Here’s a short explanation:

At any time, it's just one of a system’s inputs that is constraining the other inputs from producing a greater total output. Therefore, to continuously increase a system’s output, iteratively identify and address the current biggest constraint.

Julian Shapiro


Imagine you want to improve your physical health. There are 3 main levers to focus on:

  • Diet

  • Sleep

  • Exercise

All of those 3 important - but there’s no doubt that sleep is the ultimate foundation.

Unless you get enough sleep, your body will suffer, no matter how healthy your diet is or how much you exercise.

Quite similar to the mathematical principle of multiplying by zero:

If a number, no matter how large, is multiplied by zero, it’ll always be zero.

Your goal, in everything you do, is to find the zero & optimize it before you focus on anything else.

2) A-B-C Goal Setting

For any daily goal, you set 3 levels:

A - Most ambitious, perfect case.

B - Middle ground, base case.

C - Minimum viable level, downside case.

Remember: Consistency, in the long-term, compounds more than intensity.

3) Be Selfish

Note to self:

Your writing should impress yourself before it impresses the world.

If what you write isn’t setting you on fire, it won't set other people on fire neither.

Although it’s possible to reach a lot of people with writing boring platitudes you stole from someone else anyways, the fulfillment from being a ’creator’ peeks when you’re optimizing for your own excitement.

If your writing resonates with you, it’s more than likely it’s gonna resonate with someone else too. You think you’re special, but on the other side might be people with the exact same interests & tastes as you, also thinking that they’re special.

Go out there and write to reach them.

“Everything you create should feel too good to be true.”

Zach Pogrob


In life and business, the person with the fewest blind spots wins. The source of all poor choices is blind spots. Think about it. If you had perfect information, you would always make the best decision. You’d play your hand perfectly in a poker game where you could see everyone’s cards. You wouldn’t make any mistakes. How do we eliminate blind spots? The best way to reduce our blind spots is to change our perspective. Just as knowing where to stand can turn a good photo into a great one, changing your perspective on a situation reveals critical information and offers new solutions.

Shane Parrish

Things I Liked This Week

  • How not to be a midwit in 2024 → Click here 

  • Shaan Puri’s advice for creators → Click here

  • This week, I went down the rabbit hole of studying mental models. This guide & this one were my foundations. I’ve compiled my favorite learnings into this post.

  • One of the people I’m extremely bullish on in 2024 (and all the years ahead) is my friend Lisa. Hands down, she’s one of the most inspiring people of my age I know. Go give her a follow :)

This Week’s Podcast Episodes

Alright, that’s it for today!

Talk next Sunday,

– Claudia