Carve Out Your Own Path

I'm offering you the red pill. Will you take it?

Hey, happy Tuesday to 1,389 creators reading The Writer’s Way.

I was taking a little content creation break this weekend, and the reason was pretty straightforward:

I felt like my energy was too sucked up.

I needed to take a step back.

Zoom out.

And most importantly:

Gain clarity on my next steps (or whether I want to take any at all).

The thing is:

A few months back, finding a person more obsessed with online growth than me would be a tough nut to crack.

But over time, I started feeling the obsession fade away.

I was still kinda attracted to building cool stuff online…but it felt like listening to a worn-out song.

It has started feeling more like work than play.

Just another chore I had to get done before I could put on my headphones & listen to music after I’m done for the day.

For some time, I was even considering quitting or taking even a longer break, but still…I couldn’t imagine what I would do with my life if not created content.

After the weekend of letting my subconscious mind marinate all the questions that have been dominating my mind, I came to a major realization:

I want to double down on writing:

There isn’t a “career path” on this planet I’d love to pursue, that doesn’t include writing in it.

But here’s the catch:

The problem isn’t in the game I’m playing.

The problem is in whose game am I playing.

Let me explain:

Over the last few months, I’ve seen getting myself sucked in the hamster wheel of comparison.

I was constantly trying to outperform someone else in their own game. I’ve chosen a writer as my role model - who was in the game much longer than me - and I’ve tried to replicate everything he made in hope of me getting the same results.

Imitate their style.

Consume the things they consume. I even adopted their very own goals & vision for some time.

I was stuck in this for so long, yet I needed a full break to see it crystal clear.

As David Perell said:

“You don’t want what you really want. You just look at what others want and say “I want that too!”

And this mindset goes against the most important principle in building a cult-like following:

You can’t compete in the game someone else has created, because the creator of the game will always win.

The owner of the casino will always get the most money.

Dana White will always get paid more than any other UFC fighter.

And even though Connor McGregor lost the fight to Dustin Poirier…Poirier still uses McGregor as a reference. He would be dead without Conor’s name attached to him.

“If it’s in a manual if it’s the accepted wisdom if you can find it in a Dummies book, then guess what? It’s boring, not remarkable. Part of what it takes to do something remarkable is to do something first and best. Roger Bannister was remarkable. The next guy, the guy who broke Bannister’s record wasn’t. He was just faster … but it doesn’t matter.”

Seth Godin

The name of the game isn’t being good.

Because everyone is playing the game of being good.

The best way to win the game is to create your own game with your own rules.

Don’t aim for becoming too good to ignore.

Aim for becoming too different to ignore.

And when I look into the past, I’ve actually done quite a good job with that.

I certainly wasn’t the best writer or creator whatsoever…

But I definitely became the first 13/14-year-old who has taken the obsession to such heights.

Even better: I was the first GIRL to do it.

I was always afraid to lean into building an audience online because I didn’t like the fact I’d be the first teenage girl to ever do it.

But in retrospect.…

The fact no one has ever done it before is the strongest reason why I should have done it.

And that’s exactly it:

You don’t have to create a brand-new niche.

Just combine things people would normally combine.

“When you combine things that shouldn’t go together, people pay attention.”


If you see a thing you’d love to do that no one has ever done before, or no one of your kind has done before…it’s your calling.

And I get it:

It’s tough when people are trying to hurt your vision (and sure as hell that they will do it).

Heck, I know the feeling myself when my best friend told me I’ll never be able to succeed online. But still…here I am one year later after our conversation, makin’ moves.

“You’ll never have the crowd’s approval If you want to do something worthwhile.”


“People think you’re crazy until you’re a genius.”

Mr. Beast

It’s time to get on a mission.

Time to start moving.

Want to do that crazy thing?

Get to work.

Feel too young?

Too old?

Too unprepared?

Even better.

Don’t have a vision yet?

Let your curiosity pull you.


“You will not think of your big idea. It will come to you.

Through violent action, creation, connections, and forcing yourself into the world.

Saying yes to everything. Until the right vehicle comes along, for you to say no to everything.”

Zach Pogrob

It’s time to carve out your own path.

It’s time to start thinking differently.

It’s time to start seeing beyond the surface of other people’s perceptions.

You need to break out of what you think is possible today and start thinking of what’s going to be possible tomorrow. Because most people… don’t see the things that could potentially happen. You only see the things that are now but you think of them in the future tense.

But it’s funny that there are people who do it every day.

They break out of the limiting beliefs society is trying to project onto them.

They get a crazy idea.

And they execute.

Steve jobs and Apple.

Elon Musk and PayPal.

Albert Einstein and the Theory of relativity.

We’re living in The Matrix.

In the matrix of expectations of how things are supposed to be.


“Something is the way it is because someone changed the way it was.”

Nicolas Cole

Now you have the chance to take the red pill, create a glitch, and make things that haven’t existed before.

I’m offering you the red pill right now.

Are you going to take it?

You’re standing at the edge of the cliff.

Are you going to jump? Explore Unkown worlds holding something most people won’t ever taste. Or will you stay in the comfort of The Bubble?

I don’t know about you…

But I’m done playing other people’s games.

I’m here to create my own.

I want to be a teenager writing deep using like this & take a shit ton of time to perfect them.

I want to talk about philosophy & mental Mastery.

I want to talk about how I’m striving towards creating a good life when I’m in charge of anything.

I’m going my own way.

The Writer’s Way.

And this newsletter is here to document every single step.