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  • How To Build An Authority Online (Even If You're Not An Expert)

How To Build An Authority Online (Even If You're Not An Expert)

and how this 14 year-old has done it

Sorry for the delay my friends.

This Sunday I’ll explain to you what happened.

For now, enjoy this one:

“Why would anyone be interested in what you have to say? You’re only 13.”

January 28th, 2022.

This was my ex best friend’s reaction after I told him about my Twitter goals for the following year.

I remember that conversation word for word.

Because the emotion’s and the Imposter Syndrome it started in me was hella strong.

And not gonna lie, soon after it, I wanted to quit.

But guess what?

I didn’t.

Aaaand…here are the results one year later:

  • 22.4k+ Followers

  • 1,300+ Newsletter Subscribers

  • Perceived as a mini authority

The last one is big for me.

From a girl who was posting anymously because she was afraid of other people judging her because of her age…

To a girl that got paid $500 just to consult with people their Twitter strategy (but that’s a different story).


If a 14-year-old can do this, you can too.

Because that’s the power of the internet.

The idea that you need to have a degree, win a prize, or be old enough to teach stuff & become perceived as an authority is gone.

The internet’s giving everyone permissionless leverage to teach anything & anyone.

And believe it or not, there’s a way you can:

  • establish authority

  • make impact

  • become irreplaceable

Even if you think you don’t have any fancy experience, or you’re simply too young for this.


Follow my 3 Commandments For Creating Credibility:

#1: Position Yourself As A Student-Expert

Building a powerful brand is based on 1 thing:

Documenting the journey towards your goals.

Because on every journey, there are setbacks.

Where there are setbacks, there are problems.

And where there are problems, there are solutions.

And ifyou were able to solve even a small problem that you faced, there are likely thousands of people out there who are struggling with the same thing, dying to see how you’ve solved it.

“But there are other people who have already said the same thing.”

Calm down you outlier, I’ll also tell you how to differentiate yourself from others.

For now, you have to know 1 thing:

Specificity implies credibility.


You aren’t a millionaire but wanna talk about making money online?


Talk about how you made your $1.

You don’t have 1M followers but wanna talk about writing?

Talk about the frameworks you’re learning.

Don’t brag; be specific.

Don’t underestimate yourself; share what you know.

“People won’t ever go & research whether you are credible or not. They’ll just see “oh, this person has solved a problem I’m facing, let’s follow them.”

Claudia Stellner

#2: Remove The Comparison

Now here’s what we’ve been talking about:

“What if my content isn’t unique enough.”

It is.

You just need to get out of the comparison hamster wheel.

Don’t try to fit into a specific category.

If you’re easy to define, you’re easy to replace.

Instead, strive to become a paradox.

What do I mean by that?

Here are a few examples:

  • Dan Koe -> Entrepreneur obsessed with spirituality

  • Ali Abdaal -> Doctor + YouTuber

  • Claudia Stellner -> 14-year-old kid + creator

Define what’s the norm in your industry.

Then go against it.

“When you combine things that shouldn’t go together, people pay attention.”


#3: Adjust Your Mindset

You can’t build a brand that’s perceived as an authority if you don’t make yourself look like it first.

As I love to say:

Don’t chase. Become the type of person that attracts the things you want instead.

“It doesn’t matter whether you have 10 or 1,000 followers. You have to carry yourself like you have 100k.”

Syed Huq

Not only does this mindset attract

  • bigger creators

  • opportunities

  • fans

like a magnet.

But if you adjust your mindset, and start thinking “I already have 100k, they’re just in the future”…

Everything changes.

Because if you want to build digital leverage…

You need to first become person That’s worth following.

And since we’re already speaking of it…

This is also going to be a theme of my new course:

How to build all the necessary skills so people can’t resist you & you attract followers by default.

You won’t get sucked in the hamster wheel of generic creators (posting platitudes, engagement groups, paying for retweets).

And you won’t be a lonely master of your craft either.

You’ll be building your mastery in public and that’s what’s going to make you irresistible.

Sound good?

You can join the waitlist here (So you can be among the people who get a discount when the product is released & also receive some juicy bonuses only for people in the waitlist. Release date: Marth 12th).

Alrighty, that’s it for today!

Talk next Sunday,

— Claudia “Happy That This Newsletter Has Sub 1,000 words” Stellner

Claudia’s Digest

📰 Article: Make A Name For Yourself by Jack Butcher

📧 Email: The Copy Matrix Explained by George Ten

📰 Article: A Quick Storytelling Tip by Nathan Baugh

P.S.: Reply to this email and let me know your thoughts. I reply to EVERY single email (unlike Twitter DMs).

P.S.S: Don’t forget to catch some sunlight today :)