Become An Outlier In The Creator Economy

how to find your obsession where all of your potential lies

Hey my fellow creator, hope you're having a great Sunday.

Today's one's going to fire 'cause I'll be spilling out secrets that will make you the top 1% creator.


Let's go for it!

But before we dive in, I've got something exciting to announce:

There's no way you can "make" it as a creator if you don't have a proper system for churning out content.

Luckily enough, my friend Jay (who's an absolute beast in content creation & system thinking) has recently released The Content Multiplier Ecosystem which assures you're creating the best content possible, while saving yourself tons of time (approved by someone who's still going to high school).

Sounds exciting?

But now onward.

My ultimate writing online goal isn’t achieving any magic number (gasp).


*rolling up my sleeves*

It’s always been the goal of becoming irreplaceable. 

Becoming someone who owns their niche. 

Someone whose skill can’t be taught, but can be learned (cheers to Naval). 

And guess what?

Creators who take this route

  • grow at the speed of light

  • build a fan base of true fans

  • and become more attractive to high-paying customers (because you have a skill that could change the world yet you’re the only one who can teach it). 

The problem is…

Most people when they think of this concept of “being irreplaceable”, they think of it as a nicety.

This is your wake-up call.

Because it is a hell of a necessity. 

If you won’t strive to become one of a kind, then you’ll drown in the infinite pools of noise. 

You need to learn how to be a signal instead. 

And I see you:

You might feel demotivated when reading these lines. 

You might feel like you don’t have any unique knowledge. 

You feel like you lack value to share with people. 

Hold on a bit my friend. 

Because that’s exactly the myth I’d love to dispel today. 

The Most Important Meta Skill Nobody’s Talking About

Society has conditioned us into thinking that the guide for our learning should be a teacher or professor. 

Yeah for sure, that works. 

Especially if your goal is to become someone that won’t be remembered after death.

If you want to become irreplaceable, you need to choose a different guide:


If you want to build something ecstatic, something that sets people on fire, something that makes someone break out of The Bubble…

Learning how to lean into your curiosity & follow your obsession is crucial. 

“Obsession turns average people into outliers.”

Zach Pogrob

When you dive into your curiosities & obsessions, you are able to go down the rabbit holes only you can go. 

You get to create connections only you can create.

You get to build things only you can build. 

And of those things is…

Your Personal Playbook

“Specific knowledge is found by pursuing your genuine curiosity and passion. It should feel like play to you, but work for others. It can be taught, but only through apprenticeships, not in schools.”

Eric Jorgenson, The Almanack Of Naval Ravikant

What Naval calls Specific knowledge, I call Personal Playbook. 

What’s that?

It’s a library of content where you solve problems & lead people towards their goals with your unique interests. 

But we’ve already talked about this a bit before (you can learn more here & there). 

You build your personal playbook at the intersection of your interests, curiosities & skills. 

It isn’t anything I can guide you on. 

This happens naturally once you find the thing you can’t get yourself away from. 

It happens when you get into a flow state, when you feel like you’ve finally “found” yourself in the process. 

But speaking of this…

Most people face 1 problem over & over again:

“I don’t know what my passion/curiosity/obsession is.”

Don’t worry, my future outlier. 

I get you. 

I’ve been confused for a long time as well. 

But with all that’s being said…

Let me show you 4 ways to find your obsession (so you can dominate the world). 


It’s gonna be a hell of a ride.

Let’s take a dive:

Find Your “Unjustifiable”

What’s one thing that naturally pulls you but you can’t to explain why?

C’mon, y’all know this. 

You would get excited & lost your head in the process, but from some reason, you’never been able to explain your obsession to normies. 

For me that is:

  • copywriting, storytelling & other persuasion skills

  • the topic of curiosity, obsession & building a niche of one (basically what I’m writing about right now)

  • connecting seemingly unrelated topics together

This can be anything for you. 

You just need to be more self-aware (more on that later).

The key is:

When you get the spark of excitement when thinking of something, don’t try to justify it.

If you can’t justify it, that means the thing naturally pulls you. 

It’s time to go all in. 


Remove All The Distractions

Your curiosities are natural. 

Distractions are not.

Heck, they were even designed to keep you away from going into depth of things. 

What do I mean by that?

Oftentimes, I wanted to study a topic, whether that was copywriting, neuroscience or online businesses, but a random music video on YouTube would pop up, and would send me down 2-hour binge-watching session. 

And after that, I’d say to myself:

“I guess I’m more interested in music after all.”


Although my interest in music is genuine (videos of me playing guitar coming soon), it’s not stronger than my interest in other topics. 

Just the fact that it was a distraction & required less effort to lean into made me turn away. 

So the next time you’ll feel the spark of excitement…

Shut down all the distractions.




Or…curate your feed in a way that’s conducive to your interest.

You still with me?



Become Self-Aware

“Self-awareness is the best business hack.”

Dan Koe

When you get to that desired rabbit hole, a few things can happen:.

  • your heart starts racing

  • you feel like you want to jump into the air

  • you stop being bothered by barking of the dog from the neighborhood no matter how annoying it is

When you get this feeling…

For God’s sake, don’t stop. 

It’s time to create.

Burn all of the earned insight into something that’s going to set other people on fire. 

And remember:

This step happens naturally (and yeah, takes a bit of time to find). 

“It takes to find what makes time disappear.”

Zach Pogrob

But damn, it’s worth every second. 

And if you haven’t found it yet…

I have 1 more tiny hack for you:

Turn Back Into Your Childhood

Yup, you guessed it right.

Most of your future interests can be found in your childhood.

And it makes total sense.

Looking back…

I used to spend a lot of time playing with plasticine. 

I liked the act of taking something plain & boring, dissecting it & turning it into something that’s just my own. 

The same with legos. 

And guess what…that printed off into writing as well. 

I love taking diverse ideas, dissecting them & piece them together into something that makes my heart melt. 


What’s your childhood obsession? (and no, it isn’t your kindergarten crush)

Bottom line:

Following your obsessions & curiosities in a way that brings sweet fruit requires following your gut.

And making your gut worth following requires practice.

So…go for it.

Weekly, carve out at least 2 hours to research something that naturally pulls you. 

  • don’t try to explain yourself

  • avoid distractions

  • go all in

And…don’t forget to use all of that firepower into creating something wonderful. 

But that’s what my other newsletter issues are about.

So…let’s wrap it up here.

Talk next Sunday,

— Claudia “Obsessed” Stellner

P.S.: My goal is to provide the best value I can with this newsletter. To help me with that, could take 2 minutes to fill out this survey?

P.S.S.: Don't forget to catch some sunlight today ;)