The 90-day Beginner Writer Blueprint

how to conquer the initial phases

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I see you’re aspiring to become a creator this year, aren’t you?

Or maybe you already are a one but got a bit lost in the trenches.

If you’re one of those, I see you, feel you, and as always, got you.

Back in January last year, when I was just starting on my journey, I was missing one thing:

I knew I wanted to do something but in The Creator Economy, but I had no idea how.

I was trying to figure out everything by myself, and ended up spinning in circles.

But I've came up with a solution that can help you navigate through the initial phases of your journey.

What am I talking about?

I’m talking about The Beginner Writer Blueprint…

So what’s that about?

The key to gaining clarity is to take action, stay consistent for long enough & then make adjustments.

And I find it best to conduct these little experiments in 30 to 90-day sprints.

That’s why this blueprint takes you through your first 90-days as a writer in 4 different phases.

But before we dive in…

You gotta understand 2 things:

  1. This is no magic pill. After reading everything in this value-stuffed letter, you won’t start growing on social media like crazy. It takes a few weeks/months of experimenting & iterating until you find your jazz. But damn, it’s worth it.

  2. There are no plans. There are only guesses. The point isn’t to stick to the plan. The point is to get enough clarity to get started, and make adjustments on the way.

Alrighty, with that in mind…

There’s nothing holding us back.


🔍 Week 1 - 3: Explore your value

I need you to understand this:

You have a crazy amount of potential to start creating content that fullfills both you & others.


Because humans are creators by nature.

We’re the only kind that can make connections in between seemingly unrelated things.

We’re the only kind that can create known from the unknown.

And that’s what’s going to attract people towards you.

And the best part?

Anyone can do that, not only a select few.

The goal isn’t to become an expert.

The goal is to find a topic you’re at least a bit experienced in.

Because when you have at least a bit of experience, people a few steps behind you who need that experience will follow.

"Share what you know, and see what sticks."

Sahil Lavignia

So how do you find that value in yourself?

Take a sheet of paper.

List out:

  • problems you’ve solved

  • skills you’ve learned

  • things you’ve tried & failed

  • hobbies you’ve picked up

Over the past year.

Look for a thing that piques your interest.

Got it?


Now if you feel ideas in your head (even for simple tweets), get to writing.

If not, jump on the internet and keep going down the rabbit hole.

If you don’t feel the wheels of creativity naturally flowing, you need to oil them with some insights from the outside.

"But what if I’m afraid of publishing?"

I knew you were gonna ask.

Don’t worry.

The purpose of the first 3 weeks is to get rid of that fear.

Because once you’re publish your first 10-30 tweets without no one noticing, you’ll realize that the internet is much bigger than you could imagine.

That’s your only goal for this phase.

Learn. Explore. Share with no expectations.

Action points:

• write down potential things you could educate people on• research more (according to your curiosity)• start sharing your ideas even when you have no audience

đź«‚Week 4 - 6 - Start building your network

Alright - you’ve been sharing valuable stuff for the past 3 weeks.

Good job.

But the thing is…

When you’re a beginner with 0 credibility, you won’t get eyeballs on your content.

So what do you do with that?


You gotta build relationships that will give you a momentum boost.

You gotta build network of people where you mutually share your content & both benefit.

"The best content doesn't win. The best content with the best distribution does."

Jay Yang

If there’s one thing I’d slap my past self with, it would be this:

Fucking talk to others.

Be friendly. Always give with no expectations in return. Be consntatly on a hunt for interesting people.

If you want a more detailed tutorial on how to create friendships using Twitter, I recommend you check out this.

Btw…ifyou want more good stuff on building a world-class network…my friend Jay has written up something for you.

Action points:

• find people with similar goals/interests (you can find them in comment sections of your favorite creators)• reach out to them via DMs keep the conversation flowing• reach out to 100s of people like this until you find your 20% that brings 80% of the results

🛠️ Week 7 - 9: Explore the toolkit

You’ve increased your value.

You now have a network to give you initial boost.

But you know what’s the secret to growing at the hyper-speed?

Understanding human psychology & effective communication.

Because at the end of the day, writing online is the game of 2 things:

Game of attention & game of words.

In order to master social media, you need to master both.

So…you need to dig into skills like

  • persuasion

  • copywriting

  • storytelling

If I’d be to break this down in a single letter, it could be like a mini-course.

But don’t be afraid - more letters are gonna be about this in the future.

For now, I recommend you study content from these people:

And here’s a little twist:

Don’t just apply what they say.

Apply what they do.

You can do this with any creator you’d like.

When something captures attention, save it & think of what made you feel that way.

When you read a post all the way through the end, comeback and analyze what made you do so.

“Self-awarness is the best business hack.”

Dan Koe

Action points:

• study what people mentioned above SAY and DO• do your best to apply it in your writing (tweets, threads, newsletters, anything)• keep asking your network for feedback• keep iterating

đź“ś Week 10 - 12: Showcase your credibility

Alright - now you’ve

  • studied your interests enough

  • built a powerful network of people

  • learned principles of effective writing

What’s left?

Now it’s time to go all in building your personal brand.

Pick a goal -> Encounter roadblocks -> Solve them with your unique interests -> Document your journey in public.

That’s how it’s done.

On your journey over the past weeks, you’ve tried & failed in a few things.

Write about that.

Even if they’re minor.

Write about what you’ve learned consuming your interests.

Believe it or not, but that’s enough for people to call you an expert.

And if you feel like you still don’t have enough valuable info to share…

  • curate content from others

  • breakdown how others have achieved what you want to achieve

  • share your plans towards achieving your goals

Back in June, I knew I wanted to become an online writer.

And one of the things I enjoyed learning about was how to capture people’s attention.

So I wrote a short thread on it, summarizing what I’ve learned from the experts.

That thread ended up going viral & made it clear for me what niche am I gonna be hyper-interested in.

Since then I kept consistent with documenting my journey towards my goal, and kept growing.

Now it’s your turn.

Pick a goal (doesn’t have to be online related), and become obsessed with it.

Learn & build cool things.

Create network to share them together.

Write in way that attracts people to your ideas.

Share everything you’re learning to those who need it.

That’s how it’s done.

Now let me tell you 1 more thing:

These for areas we’ve talked about in this letter will always be crucial for your growth, not only at the beginning.

If you want to become a creator that’s perceived as authority, is considered “unique” & grows fast…

You’ll constantly need to optimize your:

  • personal branding

  • content system

  • writing style

  • networking

And although my content is basically based around all of that…

I can help you out even more on a 60-min Digital Mastery Consultation Call.

Normally the price would be $99, but since you, my dear subscriber, mean a lot to me, you’ve got the chance to book a call for $49.99. You can learn more here.


Alright - that’s it for today!

Talk next Sunday,

— Claudia "Consultant" Stellner

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