My 5-Plan For Building Digital Leverage

how i'm scaling my one-person business as a 14-year-old

Oh yess.

The time has come.

I’m super hyped for this.

At the end of 2022, I’ve been promising big things coming in 2023.

And indeed, they are (hey, you thought I was gonna give up that easily?)

Initially, the goals were pretty straightforward:

Scale to 100,000 followers on Twitter.

Double down on this newsletter and shoot for 10,000 subscribers.

But after talking, strategizing & bouncing ideas with other creators…

We came to realize that being a top creator is just a byproduct of something much bigger:

It’s a byproduct of being a builder.

Builder of things that solve problems.

Builder of things that will spread the name of your personal brand as fast as fire.

Builder of digital leverage.

In other words…

It’s time to start scaling my one-person creator business.

It’s time to build authority (because let’s be honest, it’s much easier to think of someone as an authority when they get paid for what they’re doing).

It’s time to create a portfolio of achievements that’s gonna make a 14-year-old on Twitter look even cooler.

Damn - if you ain’t hyped up for the journey after reading these lines, you should close this.

But if you are, stick around.

Cuz today I’m sharing my plan for building my small one-person business in 2023:

1. Upskill

The fastest way to get paid is to get good.

Kieran Drew

In order to get enough competence in the game, you need to study the foundational skills:

  • persuasion

  • writing

  • thinking

  • learning

  • speaking

(h/t: Jay Yang)

But if you want to escape the game and position yourself as irreplaceable, you need to combine it with your personal interests:

  • psychology

  • philosophy

  • spirituality

  • health

  • writing fiction

  • etc.

The biggest advantage of building a one-person business:

You learn the foundational skills on the go (because otherwise, you won’t succeed).

But you get paid for pursuing your personal interests.

That’s also the reason I don’t have any specific income goal.


Because I know that learning those skills will eventually make me the kind of person that attracts opportunities (and wealth).

If you’re in your teens, don’t focus on money, focus on practicality - learning the skills that will produce the most luck further down the line.

Iman Gadzhi

2. Prove The Skill

Twitter works as an amplifier for your learning.

You learn stuff.

You go and share it.

You package it up into a paid solution.

While doing that, you learn even more.

It’s a never-ending flywheel.

The plan is to document the journey as I’m learning skills, but position myself in a way that builds authority.

What do I mean by that?

I can’t give super broad “How To Guides” (eg.: how to make money online).

But I can document my journey towards making my first $1 online, and position it as “If you’re a teenager and want to make your first 1$ online, this is for you”.

Specificity sells.

Riches are in the niches.

You know that jazz.

Also, another thing:

Documenting the journey proves your competence.

It proves your ability to solve problems.

And that separates you from those who can’t solve them (or can’t prove it).

That way, when you’ll release a product, people will have trust in the fact that you can deliver the desired result.

Do you catch what I’m throwing?



3. Build Trust

People don’t buy products for 2 reasons:

1) They don’t trust the product itself

2) They don’t trust the seller

With the previous tip (proving your competence), you solve the former.

But how do you solve the latter?

Although that’s a topic for a newsletter itself (just noted it down!), here are a few things you can do to build trust with your audience:

  • Write a high-value newsletter every week

  • Be explicit about your philosophy (what do you stand for/against)

  • Engage with your audience (more on that later)

4. Create An Offer

Business is all about traffic (the number of eyeballs you get) and offer (the main value you provide).

The latter is the tear in my heart at the moment…

But not for long.

I’ve been trying to cook up product ideas in my head for a long time, so yesterday, I took a poll:

80 people voted for “Take my wallet.”

The theme of this course would be “How to build the skills so you become the kind of person that attracts an audience by default. The exact opposite of accounts that post platitudes & curate chrome extensions. “

Does that sound like something you’d be interested in? Feel free to reply to this email & I might put you on the list for the pre-sale ;)

5. Keep Growing My Network

Not only that I want to do a better job supporting my audience…

I also want to engage more with people who have done exactly what I have:

Monetized their audience successfully.

*cliché alert*

Ugh, I’m gonna hate myself for this.

Your network is your net worth.

And it’s true.

The plan is to:

  • reach out to super-big accounts

  • hop on a call with those slightly ahead of me

  • keep bouncing ideas & strategies with my inner circle

Alrighty - that’s it for today.

Happy building!

Claudia’s Digest

🎥 YouTube Video: The One-Person Business Roadmap by Dan Koe

💻 Blog: Very Good Copy by Eddie Schleyner (300+ super-easy-to-digest articles on copywriting. A true goldmine.)

🧑‍🏫 Course: Content Multiplication System by Jay Yang (I’ve been using it for the past week and my output has skyrocketed. An affiliate link.)

Talk next Sunday,

— Claudia “Upskilling” Stellner

P.S.: Since I’m trying to build out my writing course…could you take 30 seconds to fill out this quick survey

P.S.: Don’t forget to catch some sunlight ;)