3 Ways To Position Yourself In The Creator Space

The Sticky Writing Chronicle #1

Happy Sunday to 1,673 creators reading The Sticky Writing Chronicle - a newsletter that's stickier than your hands after eating a peach (good one, huh?)

This week, we’re talking about arguably THE most essential part of Sticky Writing...

...that ironically has nothing to do with writing at all.

But before I reveal it to you, let me introduce you to the...

The Sticky Writing Masterclass

I made a 25-minute FREE video masterclass on Sticky Writing with essential tips that helped me grow my audience to 27k+ in just 1.5 years as a 14-year-old.

93 people have already taken it - so if you’re one of them, grab it here.

Now onto this week’s deep dive.

"My niche is oversaturated!"

"I'm not unique!"

"I'm not an expert!"

Look, I'll tell you a secret, okay?

C'mon, lean in closer so I can tell you.


None of that will matter once you'll nail down your positioning.

And today I'm going to show you how to do that.

But first, let’s answer a core question:

What is positioning?

When someone thinks of a problem or a specific topic, you become the first person that pops into their head.

That's positioning.

And there are 2 ways to achieve it:

  1. Be the best (requires a high level of skill)

  2. Be the only (requires a bit of thinking & patience)

Today, we’re focusing on the latter.

Here are the 3 ways to find your unique positioning:

1) Find a Gap

What do you see that people often overlook in your niche/market?

What do you wish people talked about more when you were starting out?

Center your content around that.

My favorite example of a person with this type of positioning is Kyri.

While everyone on Twitter is talking about how to launch, scale & sell more products....

Nobody’s talking about how to perfect the product itself.

And that’s where Kyri found his spot.

So let me ask you again:

Is there something you feel people neglect about your topic?



If not, let’s move on to no. 2:

2) Find a Dichotomy

What’s something people always preach about that you stand against?

Why do you stand against those beliefs?

What's the story behind that?

How can you highlight those beliefs in your content?

My favorite example of a person with this type of positioning that I like is George Ten.

While everyone stands for using templates and mindless copywriting…

George stands for copyTHINKING.

Don't feel like you can find yourself here?

No worries...

We still haven’t covered the last - and the easiest - way to position yourself…

3) Find a Sub-Niche

How can you get more specific with the topic or the market?


If you see everyone talking about copywriting...

You can specialize in writing sales pages for info products.

Or If everyone claims their audience are ‘copywriters’...

You can write for 'copywriters who want to productize their service'.

The farther you're willing to niche down, the more credibility you build.

But the question you might be asking now is:

“What if I’ll attract fewer people then?”

Fortunately, this is not how positioning works.

The more specific you'll get, the more likely you are to attract your ideal fan who is struggling with the exact specific thing you’re talking about.

Don't be a good fit for everyone. Be a perfect fit for someone.

My favorite example of a person with this type of positioning is Virgil Brewster.

While all ‘solopreneurs’ on Twitter talk about online business in general…

Virgil is only talking about one area:


Alrighty- those were the 3 ways to position your brand.

Chances are that none of them suits you - YET.

If that’s the case, don’t fret - it’s all a matter of time & iteration.

Your positioning isn't something that's gonna appear out of the blank.

It's something you refine over time.

You just have to keep looking for

  • a gap

  • a dichotomy

  • or a sub-niche

in your market, and it'll eventually become clear. Pinkie promise.

Anyway, that's it for this week.

Talk soon,

– Claudia “Keep An Eye Out” Stellner

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