3 Ways To Make Your Writing Irresistible

make your writing binge-worthy

Tuesday, January 24th, 16:34

I’m curled up, sitting on my sofa, my legs under the blanket, laptop on my waist.

Feeling comfortable, yet…

My heart is racing. Breathing heavy. My focus is so narrowed that I don’t even care about the noises my dog’s making (despite the fact that they usually make my ears bleed out).

So what’s up with me’?

Well these are usually symptoms of a panic attacks (that I’m having quite often)...

But thankfully, this time it’s all good.

In fact…

I’m on fire.

I’m in a flow state.

The one I was striving towards for sooo long.

Work finally feels like play.

Instagram & other distractions no longer interest me.

Food can wait.

Now I know why everyone calls it "the optimal experience."

I haven't felt that immersed in a task for quite a long time.


What got me into that state you askin'?

You wanna know, right?

Okay… I’ll tell you…in a while.

But now…

Do you see what I did?

I made you scroll halfway through this newsletter even while talking about the plainest, boring & unimportant thing such newsletter could talk about.

Yet, you still made it here.


Do you wanna see how I did?

Alright sit back & let’s go.

I’m about to spill out the 3 secrets of giving the reader no other option but to keep reading to the end:

1) Pacing & rhythm

I bet you’ve already heard the cliché that “writing is music.

Indeed, it is.

But so so many people don’t realize its importance.

The pacing of the writing is everything.

You gotta keep it flowing so the reader is just going with the waves.

You want to make it effortless for them.

Make it a joyful experience that requires little effort.

“Okay I need no more fluff…just tell me how I do that Claudia.”

I’m actually showing you right now:


The best pacing hack is to write one-liner sentences.



Sometimes a bit longer if needed (you can’t write the whole post in 3-word sentences).


If you’ve done a good job of leading the reader down the page, sometimes it’s good to hit them with some more value. You can do that with a 3-sentence paragraph. Or a list of bullet points.

It’s what I’ve just done here btw.

Got it?


The point is:

Keep most of the writing snappy & simple to read, and when the time is right, punch the reader with some overwhelming amount of value.


2) Mirco-commitments

This one is a game changer.

And also a bit sneaky, ‘cause I use it all the time in my writing, but people barely notice, despite it making a huge impact.

So what is it?


It’s a rhetorical question that makes the reader say “Yes!”.

And since people love to be consistent with their actions…

…the more “Yes’s” people say, the more committed they’ll feel to keep reading all the way to the end.

Do you see what I mean?


Let’s keep it rolling (oh, that was a micro-commitment btw).

Here are some more you could use:

  • Got it?

  • You with me?

  • Ready?

Okay, now to the last point…

3) Harmonizing

This is a concept by copywriter Joe Sugarman.

Again, simple, yet powerful.

What is it about?

You’re putting yourself in the readers shoes

What do I mean by that?

Whenever you write the sentence, you think of what’s going on in the reader’s mind:

  • Did they raise a question?

  • Are they having a bias about what have you just written?

  • Are they being bored?

Then you follow up with that.

And…guess what?

You can find tons of examples in this very newsletter.

I even did that at the beginning of this section.

A little refresh:

I said: “It’s a concept by copywriter Joe Sugarman.”

Now I suppose that you want to know what the concept is…

So I asked, “What is it about?”

Doing this gets you & the reader on the same wavelength…so finishing the article becomes an inevitable option.

Just how you did right now.

In the beginning, I promised that I’ll reveal to you what got me so excited.

So if you still wanna know…

It was nothing more than copywriting.

I finally had the time to go down that rabbit hole, study my fav resources & was able to come up with my own framework for writing a killer copy.

But more about that the next time around ;)

Have a great Sunday!

— Claudia “Prolific Copywriter” Stellner

P.S.: My goal is to provide the best value I can with this newsletter. To help me with that, could take 2 minutes to fill out this survey?

P.S.S.: Don't forget to catch some sunlight today ;)