3 Ways To Make Your Posts Irresistible To Read

I'll tell you one thing about me: I rarely...

I'll tell you one thing about me:

I rarely buy products from people I don't know.

It often takes me MONTHS of reading & applying stuff from one’s content until my trust is big enough to invest in them.

And that’s why I was so surprised by myself when this guy - on whose email list I’ve been for only about 2 days - sold me a $391 e-book (and it only took him 2 sales emails!).

Who is this guy are you asking?

It’s Ben Settle.

A copywriting OG.

And I'd even go as far as seeing that he's among the top 5 in the world.

But if you’re anything like me just about a few weeks ago, and have no clue who this pal is…

Go to his website. Check out his stuff.

Or at least…

Read some of his copy and soon you’ll see what I’m talking about.

But now…back to his dirty selling secret...

I noticed Ben excels at evoking the most crucial emotion copywriter needs:

The Fear Of Missing Out.

Or as we call it…


Here's a simple explanation of what it means in case you don't know what that is:

“The feeling that the cost of inaction is greater than the cost of action.”

I bet you’ve seen it many time in your life.

One of the reasons your inbox is flooded with emails like

“Sales over in 3 hours!”

“Price goes up in 12 hours"!”

“Only 2 spots left!”.

But today, I will show you 3 non-obvious ways you can evoke The Fear Of Missing Out in your readers that will help you

• get more eyeballs on your content

• get better engagement

• or even make more sales

You can learn & apply these techniques...

Or get outperformed by the creators who have much better knowledge of human psychology and then wonder why are you not growing as fast as them.

And since I suppose that's something you don't want...

Let’s dive in ↓


People are competitive by nature.

Or is it just me? (I hope not).

Jokes aside, we all like the idea of being better at something than our peers.

So how can you use this trait to your advantage?

Mention how your post/product/service is gonna help outperform others.
Simple, yet it works, because it activates another powerful emotion:


And greed is one of the most common reasons why people buy (or do) things.


1) Dan Koe’s thread hook:

2) A snippet from Bodyweight Flow Evolution sales page:


This one’s simple:

Tell people the consequences of NOT reading your post (or buying your offer).

Press on their emotion.

Show them how’s it going to affect them in real life.

Show, don’t tell.

You can also mention the BENEFIT of reading your post (or buying your offer) in case you want to strengthen the effect even more.


1) A thread from my friend Jay:

2) A snippet from one of Ben’s emails:

Insider Secret

Pretty much alike the first one.

Here, you want to make people feel like you're providing them 'exclusive' information that's giving them an advantage over others.

That’s what pulls them into your world.


1) A thread from Kieran Drew:

2) The beginning of a sales letter “The Tale Of Two Young Men”

Alright my friend, that’s it for today.

If you’ve liked this email, I’d be happy if you’ve clicked the “reply” button and share your thoughts with me.

Or…you can share your thoughts just with one click.

Talk this Sunday.

– Claudia “Use FOMO” Stellner