11-Step Blueprint To Crush Your Product Launch

and how i'm doing the same with my course

“Yooo, guess what I bought?” asks my dad loudly while walking into my room.

I don’t say anything, I just patiently wait as he pulls out a big, flat, white box with a picture of…

Oh god. I guess I know very well what is he carrying in that box…

“Is that…is that a laptop?” I ask with hesitation, although I know the answer.

“Yes!”, he says, looking very excited.

“Cool. Can I keep your old one you bought 6 months ago then?”

“No,” he replies.

“Why not?”

“I have this one for work.”

“And the one you bought 6 months before that?”

“That one’s for work too.”

“And you know that I need it for work too, right?”

“But Claudia you have a laptop.”

“Yeah, but an old one. It literally takes ages for it to just turn on,” I say, ready to give up trying.”

“What do you mean? You’ve had it for only 3 years, that’s still new.”

(those are the words of a man who buys a new laptop every 6 months).

Yes, the truth is that I need a new laptop.

In fact, it’s been one of my childhood dreams to get myself one.

MacBook Air 2020 for $1,200, to be specific.

The thing is…I don’t have the money. Not yet.

But soon I will. Because I’ve spent the last 10 weeks building my newest digital product that holds an insane amount of value…and I’m ready to crush the whole Money Twitter Community with it.

And today, I’m going to share my exact plan (that even you can use for inspiration if you want to finally monetize the valuable knowledge that you have).

And I know…now it looks like that I’m someone who doesn’t care about giving value & only cares about money.

But if you’ve been reading this newsletter for a while…you know that value was always my highest priority. Besides that…if you actually want to launch a digital product & make your first 1$ with it…this might be one of the most important letters you read this week.


Let’s go for it ↓

The 11-Step Blueprint To Crush Your Product Launch

(with examples from my own course-building)

1) Listen for data

As a digital creator, you’ve got data on every corner.

Likes. Retweets. Comments.

Those are a bit indirect, but are really good at telling you what are people interested in.

And then you’ve also got direct ones:

Polls. DMs. Twitter Spaces.

All you need to do is just put a lot of your knowledge out there & see what are people looking for.

I’ve done this in various ways on my journey:

If you have a starving market, selling becomes easy.

2) Create a unique solution


Use the scientific method.

Now this might take a while…

But essentially you

  1. Observe the common patterns

  2. Connect the dots (the things you know)

  3. Piece them together into a solution

This is exactly what happened to me.

As I was writing posts & looking at the frequent problems people are facing, there was 1 thing that hit me, that most people (including me in the past) are doing wrong:

They chase their audience & which makes them look like someone who isn’t worth following.

But the right path is building the right skills so you can attract your audience by default. And this also became the central theme of the course.

Those moments of clarity happen when you least expect them.

But they happen when you put in the work consistently.

And guess what you do then?


3) Validate the idea

You can’t build anything without validation.


And that’s why before I did 2 things:

  1. I tweeted a poll on Twitter

  2. I put the survey link in one of my newsletter issues

That’s over 70 people saying “Take my wallet”

The data were clear:

People were interested in my unique solution.

It was time to take the next step…

4) Outline

Everything should start with an outline. Always. That’s how creating works.

At first, you create a bold structure, and then you fill in.

Start by outlining all of the fundamental mini-problems people are facing, and create them as the main pillars/modules of the course.

Then divide each into further sections.

This will give you the ultimate clarity.

Here’s a snippet of how I’ve done that:

5) Build (in public)


It’s time to get to building.

Fill in the outlines.

Dedicate at least 1 hour daily to writing/filming videos.

Keep track of your to-dos.

Create a plan.

Keep reorganizing until things make sense.

Edit multiple times.

Course creation is a lengthy process - many times longer than you might have expected.

Soo…give yourself enough time to build, but not that much time that you’ll procrastinate.

And don’t forget to document it all in public so people are ready for your value drops.

One of my “Build In Public” Tweets

6) Add Bonuses

Make your offer exclusive.

Make people leave out with much more than they’ve expected.

That’s how you make sure you have a good reputation. And a good reputation sells.

For my own product, I’ve created 3 bonuses:

  1. Twitter Goldmine

  2. Newsletter Creation & Growth Mini-Course

  3. Actionable Checklist

Also, I have one more, but that one’s supper duper secret & exclusive, and only a few exceptional individuals will learn about it (and you can be one of them).

But I’m getting ahead of myself a bit.

7) Raise Awareness

You’ve created the course.

That’s great.

But hold on with the launch for a little bit.

First, we need to raise people’s awareness.

Most people that follow you on social media are unaware. Meaning, they don’t know they have a problem, they don’t know what’s holding them back from making progress.

So you need to show them.

Tweet about the fundamental problem.

Talk about what are the mistakes you made in the past.

Write about what separates them from the people they look up to.

Now you’ve raised the awareness level to problem-aware.

Here’s how I’ve done that:

Tweets talking about the main theme of the course

Tweeting a series of exercises to reveal people’s bottlenecks

What do you do after that?

9) Promote the product

Just talk about it.

Talk about how you have a product.

Talk about how you have the solution to people’s burning problems.

Some people are afraid that you’ll sound sales. The truth is…you’ll never sound salesy to the people who actually want to buy from you. In other words…talk about it.

If you’ve taken the steps mentioned above, it’s gonna hold value.

And as they say:

Selling isn’t the problem. Selling shitty things is.

I haven’t done many promotional tweets yet, but I’ll send many of them later this week.

10) Use storytelling

Create your own world.

Your own characters.

Your own enemies.

Your own hero’s journey.

People love starts & people love characters. If you make them feel like they’re one, selling it’s gonna become easy.

The best way to use storytelling?

Create an email sequence.

Your email list is the most loyal audience you have. It’s time to use it.

Also, whether people will see your emails or not isn’t affected by the algorithm, so you’ll get the right attention from the right people.

I have outlined the whole 5-day sequence to raise people’s awareness even more with a lot of storytelling in them. Here’s the whole plan:

10) Craft a sales page

This might look hard.

But if you’ve done proper research (which you did while gathering data) & if you’ve created your own story while writing your emails…

The sales page isn’t going to be as tough.

It’s basically gonna be a unique blend of the above.

Besides that…there are tons of resources out there to help you with crafting one.

Here’s a snippet of mine:

11) Launch

You’ve done all the steps.

Now it’s finally time for a killer launch.

Of course…don’t be a perfectionist.

If things don’t work out as you planned, just keep iterating on the product.

Keep talking about it. Keep repeating the steps.

But you have to do at least something so you know where to improve.

Action precedes clartiy.

Alrighty my friends, that’s it for today.

Have a great week,

— Claudia “Launching Soon” Stellner

P.S.: Tomorrow, I’ll be sending an email with a very, very special opportunity for a few lucky people (where you could be one of them). Keep an eye out on your inbox.

P.S.S.: Don’t forget to catch some sunlight today ;)