1 Thing You Need To Know To Make An Impact On Others

stop obsessing over a perfect content system

2021 was a crazy year for me.

It was the year when I was literally violent with everything that had something to do with personal growth.

Every single story I noted, an event that happened, or a thing I did was somehow channeled toward my growth as a person.

Taking care of my health.

Exercising violently every single day.

Having a good circle of friends.

Reading books.

Studying philosophy.

Pursuing my curiosity in every topic that piqued my interest.

Journaling every single night to pull out the lessons.

At some point, I had so much fuel that I couldn’t stop myself from creating.

I started writing at least one article with 1,000 words per week documenting my growth.

The crazy part is that I didn’t even publish them - but I needed to get these thoughts & lessons out.

I couldn’t stop.

The more ideas I put out, the more ideas came flashing into my head.

I was in this constant flow of joy, inspiration & happiness that I couldn’t enjoy more (unfortunately then puberty hit & I started seeking more drama than growth, but I’m slowly coming back).

This whole story holds 1 valuable lesson that I keep coming back to:

Your growth in real life is directly correlated to your growth on social media.

Let me explain.

Content Creation A Vessel

Catalyst \ka·tuh·list\ is a human being whose impact on other people causes those people to spark a meaningful change in the world.

If you’re a content creator, then I suppose that your goal is to become a catalyst.

But how do you expect to create a meaningful change in humanity if you’re not growing, learning & constantly evolving yourself?

You have this potential to learn, build & achieve crazy things (closed-minded people could never dream of) and the internet is the vessel that allows you to do the same for others & even get paid for doing so (through content & digital products).

Content creation is not the tip of the iceberg.

Making an impact is.

Content creation is just the bridge between changing your life & the life of others.

To become a catalyst, you need to make an impact.

To make an impact, you need to create content that sparks positive change.

To create content that sparks positive change, you need to grow, learn & evolve

Inner Voice of Every Succesful Creator

If you don’t have enough momentum in your life and if your brain isn’t oiled well enough with the insights from the outside…you aren’t reaching your full potential.

To start leveling up your content, you need to level up your lifestyle design.

And this letter will be your starting point:

The 5-Step Process For Turning Lifestyle Into A Content Machine

Step 1: Pick a Goal

"Setting goals and intentions helps us to organize our thoughts and actions, and to direct our energy and attention toward the things that matter most."

Mihaly Csziksentmihalyi

When you have a clear goal in front of you, it’s much harder to get seduced by distractions.

When you have clarity on what you want to achieve, you either do things that move you closer to it or turn everything that doesn’t into something that does.

Think about it:

How did it feel the last time when you were obsessed with something?

Everything you’ve heard or said could be related to that topic, right?

You couldn’t stop thinking about it.

It was the thought that woke you up & the thought that kept you awake at night.


Pick a goal you obsess about, whether that is winning a championship, learning a skill, or solving a particular problem.

This not only becomes your goal - but also a goal that you’ll lead your audience towards.

Once you nail down this step, everything else you do becomes firepower for achieving your goals.

Btw if you’re not sure what goal to pick, you can study my 6-Step Framework For Astonishing Clarity.


Step 2: Dedicate Every Single Day To Growth

“You don't need a 'content operating system.'

You need to live creatively. Lift. Run. Sweat. Sprint in the cold. Walk in the sun. Read books no one's read. Watch movies no one's seen. Relentlessly mix inspiration and isolation. Then- combine, create, and iterate. Violently.”

Zach Pogrob

I can’t give you a guide on this one.

You already know what you need to do.

Your goal is to bridge the gap between knowing & doing.

Take care of your health.

Pursue your curiosity.

Surround yourself with the right people.



Read philosophy.

Start a side hustle.

Create a life worth talking about, and content creation will be effortless.

Step 3: Pull Out A Lesson From Everything

“The quality of your life is a direct reflection of the quality of the questions you are asking yourself.”

Tony Robbins

The lessons & ideas won’t come to you out of anywhere.

You need to actively seek them.

Think behind what you see. Test different angles & perspectives.

Don’t be like most people, spending their lives waiting for a sign.

You need to actively seek it out.


The gap between taking action & growing is self-reflection.

If you don’t self-reflect enough, you’ll spend a lifetime going blindly in circles.

Step 4: Write About It In Public

“Writing online is the greatest vehicle for self-improvement.”

Jay Yang

Not only that writing and publishing solidifies your learning…

But as we’ve said in the beginning:

The internet is powerful.

Treat your Twitter account as a public journal, and you never know what people your content reaches.

You never know for whom you can become the catalyst.

You never know what will happen after a year of consistently putting your ideas out there.

Wanna find out?

I just showed you the way.

Maybe you won’t grow a super huge brand just by writing & sharing your thoughts…but it’s a foundation everyone should have.

To wrap this up, I have one more reminder:

“Self-improvement never ends because entropy never sleeps.”

Dan Koe

Pick a goal.

Obsess over life.

Pull out wisdom from everything.

Share it with no expectations.

Talk next Sunday,

— Claudia “Living a Life Worth Talking About” Stellner

P.S.: Once you have a life & content worth talking about, the last missing piece is to build the skills that will attract your audience towards you (without you having to spend countless of hours chasing it). And that’s exactly what am I teaching in my latest course that’s soon to be released. Stay tuned ;)

P.S.: Don’t forget to catch some sunlight today ;)

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